Lecturette 2: Educational Mandates & Universally Designed Large Scale Assessments
Great Urban Schools: Learning Together Builds Strong Communities A Review: UDL Curriculum Assessment Student- Centered Media, & Materials Media, Methods & Materials Outcomes Assessment UniversallyDesigned Curriculum Curriculum
Great Urban Schools: Learning Together Builds Strong Communities Framing UDL into National Legislation NIMAS AYP IDEA IDEA (2004) NCLB (2001) ADA(1990) Applying UDL to the classroom
Great Urban Schools: Learning Together Builds Strong Communities Framing UDL into National Legislation NIMAS IDEA IDEA (2004) ADA(1990) Applying UDL to the classroom Special Education & Civil Rights Legislation Access, participation & progress, promoting inclusion & integration, instead of separation & remediation.
Great Urban Schools: Learning Together Builds Strong Communities Materials: NIMAS Initiative Special Education Legislation: Access to alternative materials; Content should be the same, media and materials vary. NIMAS IDEA IDEA (2004) Applying UDL to the classroom
Great Urban Schools: Learning Together Builds Strong Communities Equal Learning Opportunities: NCLB Federal Education Legislation: Measures schools’ and students’ achievement Measures progress of students in subcategories according to race, language proficiency, or disability, in order to observe the progress of these categorical groups of students. NCLB (2001) AYP Applying UDL to the classroom
Great Urban Schools: Learning Together Builds Strong Communities Assessment: NCLB & AYP Federal Education Legislation: All students held accountable to state-mandated tests. Need for flexibility and access for all students in test format, not only for “exceptions”— students that require “alternative assessment” AYP NCLB (2001) Applying UDL to the classroom
Great Urban Schools: Learning Together Builds Strong Communities Standards and Outcomes NCLB (2001) Applying UDL to the classroom AYP State Standards for grade level Assess standards for inclusive wording Differentiate between outcomes and methods
Great Urban Schools: Learning Together Builds Strong Communities Rationale for Universally Designed Large Scale Assessments Each child in school is a part of the population to be tested. Results should not be affected by disability, gender, race, or English language proficiency. Universally designed large scale assessments may reduce need for accommodations & alternative assessments by eliminating access barriers associated with non-universally designed tests.
Great Urban Schools: Learning Together Builds Strong Communities Universally Designed Large Scale Assessments President’s Commission on Excellence in Special Education (2002): Incorporate Universal Design in Accountability Tools: “Ensure all tools used to assess students for accountability and the assessment of progress are designed to include any accommodations for students with disabilities,” (p. 21).”
Great Urban Schools: Learning Together Builds Strong Communities Seven Elements of Universally Designed Large Scale Assessments (Thompson, Johnstone, & Thurlow, 2002) Maximum readability and comprehensibility Accessible, non-biased items Precisely defined constructs Amenable to accommodations Simple, clear, & intuitive instructions & procedures Maximum legibility Inclusive assessment population
Great Urban Schools: Learning Together Builds Strong Communities Developing & Validating Universally Designed Large Scale Assessments Include disability, technology, and language acquisition experts in item reviews. Provide professional learning opportunities for item developers and reviewers on use of the considerations for universal design. Present the items being reviewed in the format in which they will appear on the assessment. Include standards being assessed with the items being reviewed. Try out items with students. Field-test items in accommodated formats. Review computer-based items on computers. ( Thompson, Johnstone, & Thurlow (2002)