Anggota kelompok 1. M. ikhsanudin 2. Nur choliq zudiyanto 3. A. basir
ANNOUNCEMENT To :All Employees Effective Date:Februari Subjeck :Staf unifrom All employees are required to wear a unifrom during works hours.this is to make it neasier to Ditiguish them from customers. Women should wear a col0orfull blouse withg black pants or black knee leght shold wear black pants with and orange or red T.shirt.
CONTOH SOAL 1.What shoul woman employees wear? A. An orange shirt and black pants B. A yellow skirt and black pants C. A black skirt and colourful blouse D. A white skirt and colourful blouse p4Sd8q2Bcfk29a02_mzUJIvGdreF_MM7Be6B 3_fQmv5DAGG9c
2. Whey do all amployees have to wear an uniform during work hours? A. To differentiate them from the custumers B. To show that they have a good uniform C. To give them good appearance D. To make them friendly
TUJUAN UNTUK memberi informasi tentang sesuatu supaya di ketahui orang banyak. Pengumuman bisa di tulis kemudian di tempelkan pada papan atau yang lain yang mudah di lihat orang ataupun di umumkan secara lisan.