Emphatic Structures (Words that give EMPHASIS) How to use: so . . . such . . .
Adding Emphasis: very really extremely quite There are many ways to add emphasis to an idea in English. Last week, we talked about degree adverbs, such as . . . very really extremely quite
Let’s look at some examples Other ways to emphasize include these two structures: so (which is another degree adverb) and such Let’s look at some examples
ADD “so” to emphasize “adorable” Using SO We usually use SO + an adjective to give emphasis to a description of someone or something. Example: Your dog is SO adorable. ADD “so” to emphasize “adorable” ADJECTIVE
ADD “so” to emphasize “quickly” Using SO We can also use SO + an adverb to give emphasis to the MANNER in which someone does something. Example: He ran the race SO quickly. ADD “so” to emphasize “quickly” ADVERB: -HOW he ran
Using SUCH . . . such a(n) such adjective adjective singular noun SUCH is another way to give emphasis. SUCH must go with: an adjective + an NOUN such a(n) adjective singular noun such adjective plural noun
Using SUCH a(n) You did SUCH a great job! Example: USE “a” because JOB is a singular noun ADD “such” to emphasize “great job” ADJ NOUN
Using SUCH a(n) I had SUCH an exhausting day! Example: USE “an” because DAY is a singular noun ADD “such” to emphasize “exhausting day” ADJ NOUN
We made you breakfast, Mom! ADD “such” to emphasize “wonderful ..and bought you flowers! Using SUCH PLURAL Nouns: Example: Ana has SUCH wonderful children! ADD “such” to emphasize “wonderful children” ADJ PLURAL NOUN
Using SUCH PLURAL Nouns: They are SUCH great singers! Example: ADD “such” to “great singers” ADJ PLURAL NOUN
INCORRECT USE: WRONG: My sister is SO a smart person! Correct: She is SUCH A smart person! WRONG: David’s writing is SUCH great. Correct: David’s writing is SO great.
Don’t Confuse … SUCH A (+ADJ +NOUN) and SUCH AS – used to introduce examples -English is such a difficult language. -Karen knows many languages, such as English, French, and Italian.
Keep practicing this grammar Keep practicing this grammar! It will help you improve your speaking and writing in English. The End!