2011 Masterclass Debriefing: ATLAS W-path measurement Content 1.Students’ Results 2.Website statistics 3.Brief analysis of feedback 4.Ideas for development Interesting points What makes a Masterclass “successful”? How can we improve this measurement? The better preparation the better the Masterclass... Videoconference !!!
1.Students’ Results 1 – brief refreshing 2 Structure of the proton Student action? Identify elementary particles (electron (e - ), positron (e + ), muon (μ - ), antimuon (μ + ) neutrinos) Classify events What to measure? Number of possible W events with e -, e +, μ +, μ - What to calculate? Why? Explore/Proof the inner structure of the proton Search for the Higgs Student action? Search for candidates with two W’s What to measure? Number of WW events Why? Search for interesting new physics
1.Students‘ Results 2 3 ________raw ratio from ATLAS derived by the numbers of W’s in “Measurement of the W lnu and Z/gamma* ll production cross sections in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=7TeV with the ATLAS detector” ________Weighted Average
1.Students‘ Results 3 4
1.Students‘ Results 4 5
2.Website statistics 1 6 Unique Visitors:3,594 Number of Visits:6,015 Number of visited pages:44,573 (per visit)(7.4) Bandwidth:113.1 GB Tutors preparation Students came back to or new guests reached the website Besides using DVD’s institutes worked with website as well Why that many? Data valid for the website and the period betweenwww.cern.ch/kjende/*.htm March 01 and March
2.Website statistics 2 7
2.Website statistics 3 8
2.Website statistics 4 9 Browsers Top 5 Downloads Top 3 Connected to site from Firefox 54% Internet Explorer: 26% Google Chrome: 8% Apple Safari: 8% Opera: 3% Direct address: 54% Links from external page: 29% Links from Search Engine: 17% Google: 95% 1.HYPATIA:626 2.MINERVA:623 3.Exercise2:423
3.Brief analysis of feedback 10 F1: technical problems (MINERVA crashed) exercise introduction is very long with difficult definitions time problems F2: Instructions badly organized on separate pages; idea of the measurement is very attractive it’s nearly impossible in the given time to work out the Higgs finding students can distinguish between signal and background but they cannot interpret the W+/W- ratio problem: getting students in pairs to download different event samples; size restrictions; save procedure; it’s great to have real LHC data F3: event display program is not executable from DVD (problems in unzipping procedure) F4: tutors needed a few hours to get into the matter; it was exciting
4.Ideas for development 11 1.Optimize the procedure: executable MINERVA on the DVD + organizing data samples in a specific event folder (DVD) 2.I will think about shorter instructions. 3.We will offer better step by step interpretations of both ratios. 4.We will prepare better documentation for tutors. 5.Prepare different data samples for each venue in order to more benefit from combining results (thus we will really see the statistic uncertainty shrinking) 6.Replace simulated Higgs events with real WW events 7.Offer possibility to students that work on the path at home to discuss and interpret their results (by creating an interactive platform) 8.I will do a didactic survey on the Masterclasses in 2012: we need to know when we call Masterclasses “successful” (students succeed in measurement, students have good feelings after attending Masterclasses, they achieved their learning objectives,... )
4.Ideas for development 12 Room for your feedback – thank you!