December 2009 Feedback to States and Zone Routine Immunization Performance Data as at 15 th January 2010 in National Database
Completeness of HF Reporting Dec 2009
% LGA Completeness of Reporting by State: Dec 2009
SUMMARY (1) Improving Access States had >=90% completeness of HF reporting in December while others did not meet the 90% target. Kogi, Taraba Nassarawa, Zamfara and Oyo have below 70% HF completeness While, Ogun, Gombe Yobe and Bayelsa have less than 40% of HF reporting in December 2009 No data from any health facility in Ebonyi State. HF completeness nationally is just 77.3% Benue, Gombe, Taraba, Yobe, Nassarawa, Kogi, Niger, Kwara, Enugu, Ogun and Oyo States had less than 90% of their LGAs reporting in December Reports for 695 out of 774 LGAs received for December 2009 Action point: All States with incomplete reports should follow up with relevant LGAs /HFs and provide updated reports for Jan –December 2009 by 15 th of February 2010
Proportion of Planned Sessions Conducted Dec 2009
Summary (2) Improving Access-2 Fixed Sessions: 16/37 States have performance above 80% of planned fixed sessions 10/37 States conducted less than 50% of planned sessions!!! No reports from Kogi, Adamawa, Bauchi, AKS and Bayelsa States Outreach Sessions 17 States have performance above 80% of planned outreach sessions. 7 States conducted less than 50% of planned sessions!!! No reports from Kogi, Adamawa, Bauchi, AKS, Rivers and Bayelsa States
DPT3 Monthly Coverage by State: Nov & Dec 2009
DPT3 Cummulative Coverage by State: Dec 2009
Routine Immunization DPT3 Cumulative Coverage Dec 09 Nigeria
HBV3=70% OPV3=62% DPT3= 70% < 50 % % % Above 100 % Routine Immunization Performance Cumulative Dec 09 Nigeria
BCG= 73% YF=61% MV=79% < 50 % % % Above 100 % Routine Immunization Performance Cumulative Dec 09 Nigeria
DPT3 Coverage Ranges by Zones Dec 2009
Proportion of LGAs DPT3 Coverage Range by State Dec 2009
Proportion of LGAs with DPT3 >=80% Dec 2009 <25% of LGAs 25-50% of LGAs % of LGAs >=80% of LGAs
DPT3 Coverage. December compared to November –In NCZ; FCT and Plateau States had improved performance in others declined especially Nassarawa State. –In NEZ improvement occurred in Bauchi and Borno while others declined especially Yobe –In NWZ, Jigawa, Kebbi and Sokoto had improvement, all others declined. –In SEZ only Ebonyi declined with others improving and Abia with no change –In SSZ, CRS and Rivers made some improvement with others declining. –In SWZ Ekiti, all States declined especially Ogun and Oyo States. –10 States have reached the Target of 80% DPT3 coverage for the year –Zamfara and Yobe are the only States with DPT3 <50% –Only Akwa-Ibom State have at least 80% of their LGAs with cumulative DPT3 of 80% for 2009 –Many key states especially in the northwest have more than 50% of their LGAs with DPT3 < 50%, particularly states like Zamfara with 70% of their LGAs and Kano and Yobe with 60% of LGAs having DPT3 less than 50% SUMMARY (3)
Un-Immunized Children Dec 2009
Routine Immunization Number of Un-Immunized Dec 09 Nigeria
Un-Immunized Children as at December 2009 Kano with over 120,000 unimmunized is surrounded by states with over 60,000 un- immunized children as at December 2009
Un-Immunized Children –Bauchi, Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Zamfara, Ogun, Oyo and Lagos States continues to have high numbers of Un-immunized Children of well over 60,000 un-immunized Children in each State as at December 2009 However, Kano State has significantly High number of Un-immunized Children of over 200,000 as at December 09!!!. SUMMARY (4)
DPT1/DPT3 Drop out Rate Nov 2009
DPT1/3 Drop out Rates. Benue, Kogi, FCT, Kwara, Kebbi, Abia, Enugu, Imo, Ekiti, Lagos, Ondo and Osun States have drop out rates within acceptable limits. All other states have drop out rates above 10% with States like Yobe and Zamfara having DPT1-3 drop out rates of over 25% SUMMARY (5)
Vaccine Wastage Rates Profile by Dec 09 Std WR for DPT Std WR for MV
Vaccine Wastage Rates. –Wastage rates for DPT has remain generally satisfactory in December except Kano –Most States had for measles vaccine wastage rates within acceptable limits. –Plateau Bauchi, Zamfara, Bayelsa, Cross River and Kano with MV wastage rates close to 50%. SUMMARY (6)
No of Health Facilities and frequency of Planned Community Link Activities August 2009 Review
Community Link Activities Most States do not have plans for Community Link activities –Out of the 22,876 HFs conducting RI in the country only 5,590 (25%) have plans for Community link meetings –38% (8,815) HF have plans to conduct HE sessions. Only 14 States had a report for community Link between August 2009 Community Link committee Meetings –Out of the 14 States with reports 8 states were more than 80% of meetings planned meetings conducted. less than 50% of planned meetings were conducted in 4 States Health Education Sessions –Similarly for Health Education Sessions 6 states had more than 80% of HE session conducted Less than 50% of planned HE sessions were conducted in 3 States Review