Charter Member, RC Yashio, Japan – District Governor – RI Director – Rotary Foundation Trustee RI President AG SETH ASIAMA, RC KUMASI EAST
Married to Kyoko since 1963 – both are: PHF, Benefactors, Major Donors and Arch C. Klumph Society Members Endowed Rotary Peace Fellowship AG SETH ASIAMA, RC KUMASI EAST
Peace is the absence war, violence, and fear. Peace means that you are not in danger of hunger or persecution or the suffering of poverty. AG SETH ASIAMA, RC KUMASI EAST
Peace can mean freedom of thought and of speech, and of choice, and the ability for self-determination. Peace can mean security, confidence in the future: a life and home in a stable society. Peace can mean a sense of happiness, of inner serenity, of calm AG SETH ASIAMA, RC KUMASI EAST
However we define peace, whatever peace means to us, we can bring it closer through Service. Rotary helps to meet the inner needs for friendship, connection, and caring. AG SETH ASIAMA, RC KUMASI EAST
Rotary helps us to meet the basic needs of others when and where most needed: to provide health care, sanitation, food, and education. AG SETH ASIAMA, RC KUMASI EAST
Rotary helps us to build peace in its most traditional sense, by reducing the causes of conflict. Rotary builds bridges of friendship and tolerance among people and nations. It helps us to understand each other. AG SETH ASIAMA, RC KUMASI EAST
Through Rotary service we come closer to people who seem very different from us. Through our Rotary service, we learn that cooperation is more productive than conflict AG SETH ASIAMA, RC KUMASI EAST
Service Above Self helps us to: Put the common good above our own. Prioritize others needs over our own desires. Think less about ourselves and more about what is best for everyone. And in this way, we help to build the foundation for a more peaceful world. AG SETH ASIAMA, RC KUMASI EAST
1. Berlin, Germany – Peace Without Borders -30 th Nov – 2 nd Dec, 2012 Will examine the role of democracy in promoting Peace. 2. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA – The Green Path To Peace – 25 th – 27 th January, 2013 Will focus on the importance of conserving and protecting our environment as a pre- requisite to peace. AG SETH ASIAMA, RC KUMASI EAST
3. Hiroshima, Japan – Peace Begins with You 17 th -19 th May, 2013 Will explore ways in which each of us has the power to promote peace in our daily lives and in our own communities. AG SETH ASIAMA, RC KUMASI EAST