1 Spanish Language Outreach Program Progress and Support Session Rhode Island 4/13/06 Empowering Library Staff to Reach out to Spanish Speakers and Increase their Access to Technology
Welcome ¡Bienvenidos ! Welcome & Introductions Live Meeting Overview Review Expectations &Outreach Activities List Success Stories & Outreach Plans Challenges Implementing Outreach Additional Resources Needed for Outreach Activities Resource Ideas
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Spanish Language Outreach Program Partnership between WebJunction and state libraries Goal: increase the knowledge and skills of library staff to better serve the needs of Spanish speakers in their communities and increase the number of Spanish speakers using public access computers Libraries share their experiences and resources through the online community at WebJunction
Local Participant Expectations –Select a minimum of three activities (one from each category) from the Outreach Activities List to implement locally in the five months following the workshop. –Develop an action plan for implementing selected activities –Share the workshop experiences with co-workers and library administration –Participate in WebJunctions online community to share successes and challenges –Participate in evaluation process
Selection of Outreach Activities Category 1: Planning Activities Use community leader technique to conduct needs assessment and develop plan for increasing access to public computers. –Community Leader Interview Guide: Complete library self-assessment using Serving Latino Communities Success Checklist Identify barriers to using the library and revise appropriate policies and procedures. – Develop and implement plan for maintaining/increasing community partnerships.
Selection of Outreach Activities, continued Category 2: Staff Development Activities Develop and implement a plan to help staff learn basic library Spanish. – Develop and implement a plan for training staff in cultural differences. –An online training course will be available on WebJunction in March 06 Designate library staff liaisons to community groups, agencies, organizations.
Selection of Outreach Activities, continued Category 3: Patron Services/Outreach Activities Collaborate with a community partner/partners to increase access to public computers, by choosing one of the following and accomplishing it with the co-promotion of your community partner: –Provide instruction in Spanish on basic computer skills –Provide instruction in Spanish on common applications –Provide information/instruction in Spanish on how to use –Provide information/instruction on using search engines –Develop Spanish-language access to library web site –Provide/promote online ESL tutorials/classes –Support materials can be found at: Participate in at least one community event, fair, celebration to promote public access to computers.
Participant Success Stories and Outreach Plans Planning Activities Staff Development Activities Patron Service Outreach Activities Other Activities
Whats Working – Common Traits of Successful Programs Partnering with community organizations High level of organizational support Sufficient resources (staff, money) Positive attitude towards Hispanic/Latino community Promoting programs through Hispanic media and community service agencies that service Spanish speakers
Challenges to Implementing Outreach What challenges are you facing?
Additional Resources Needed to Implement Outreach Are there other resources you need to complete your outreach plan?
Resources available at WebJunction Live Meeting Web Changes directly made to this slide will not be displayed in Live Meeting. Edit this slide by selecting Properties in the Live Meeting Presentation menu.
REFORMA Live Meeting Web Changes directly made to this slide will not be displayed in Live Meeting. Edit this slide by selecting Properties in the Live Meeting Presentation menu.
Great Technology Curriculum Resources! – Microsoft Unlimited Potential Program Live Meeting Web Changes directly made to this slide will not be displayed in Live Meeting. Edit this slide by selecting Properties in the Live Meeting Presentation menu.
Additional Learning Opportunities Online Courses at WebJunction –Spanish Language Outreach Curriculum Available March 06 –Hispanic/Latino Youth Librarianship Course –Visit the learning center at WebJunction to learn more
Learning Center at WebJunction y=372 Live Meeting Web Changes directly made to this slide will not be displayed in Live Meeting. Edit this slide by selecting Properties in the Live Meeting Presentation menu.
Additional Learning Opportunities Continued ASCLA Online Course Selecting Spanish Materials for Adults –4/17/06 – 5/15/06 –Explore the diversity of the Latino community with practical information on how to identify needs, collect materials, and market your collection. –Presenter: Yolanda Cuesta –Go to ALA Continuing Education Clearinghouse for more info.
Spanish Language Outreach Program Message Boards A vital part of the program Facilitates the creation of broad-based program with far-reaching results, using WebJunction as the venue Will begin a community of interest online that starts with all of us! Allows us to share ideas, ask questions and maintain our collaboration after we leave the workshop Its our space – it will become what we make it!
Spanish Language Outreach Program Message Boards categoryID=42 Live Meeting Web Changes directly made to this slide will not be displayed in Live Meeting. Edit this slide by selecting Properties in the Live Meeting Presentation menu.
How to Get Involved Share resources (handouts, lesson plans, links, etc.) online at WebJunction Join conversations on the message boards Give feedback: on the boards or through Become a thought leader in the community by modeling participation
The Next Phase of the Program Implementing Outreach Activities Participating in the Message Boards –Keep us posted on your progress! Post-assessment evaluation –five months after workshop Focus Groups –In early 2007 –In several communities with libraries that participated in the program
Your States Follow Up Plans