very [adverb] to enphasize adjectives and adverbs: His books are very good. ·You play the piano very well. [adjective] exact, extreme: He arrived at the very moment. · I stayed to the very end. Grammar patterns 1. The hotel was very expensive 2. I like you very much. 3. This is the very latest fashion. 4. That is the very thing I was looking for.
very Collocations Adjectives that commonly occur with very are: good, nice, difficult, important, different, hard and (not) likely. Other words are: much, well, little, few, often, and the combination “adjective + indeed”
very Set phrases Very well, thanks Thank you very much Not very: What’s his french like? Not very good. Can’t / couldn’t very well: I couldn’t very well refuse. very much so. Does the smoke annoy you? ~Very much so. […] very own: This is Brian very own work. The very same = exactly the very same: We found out that we had gone to the very same school.