Powered by: SmartPros ADP LUNCH & LEARN CPE PROGRAM “Implementing Client Retention & Partnering Strategies” Authored by David Gilman, President of Gilman Performance Systems, ( and adapted for CPE accreditation by SmartPros, Ltd. ( The ADP Logo is a registered trademark of ADP of North America, Inc. Powered by: V.1109a
Powered by: SmartPros Course Overview Course Overview: 1.Improving your own customer communication skills and training your employees on better managing client issues is the key to satisfying and retaining clients. 2.Proactive communications, setting expectations, immediate follow- up, and committing to and hitting deadlines are just a few policies that need to be integrated into your management routines. 2
Powered by: SmartPros Objectives Objectives: Upon successful completion of this segment, you should be able to: 1.Strengthen client relationships through better communications, leading to better client retention 2.Better train your employees on their client communication and customer service skills 3.Review, adapt and implement better client communication programs 3
Powered by: SmartPros Retention and Loyalty Value of a Lifetime Customer 1. Pizza customer = $8,000 2.Cadillac customer = $320,000 3.The value of your clients? 4
Powered by: SmartPros SATISFIED vs. VERY SATISFIED SATISFIED is Not Good Enough 1.A VERY SATISFIED customer is three to ten times more loyal than a SATISFIED customer. 2.Xerox: 86% very satisfied VS. 14% satisfied 3.Professional Services: 90% vs. 60% NOTE: Statistics presented by course author, Gilman Performance Systems, through a series of private internal corporate/firm studies. See for author background and information. 5
Powered by: SmartPros Creating VERY SATISFIED Clients The KEYS to VERY SATISFIED Clients: 1.Creating a healthy “internal” environment 2.Implementing focused client communication strategies 6
Powered by: SmartPros VERY SATISFIED Employees Your Internal Environment 1.Producing VERY SATISFIED customers, first requires VERY SATISFIED employees 2.Morale, compensation benefits, goal setting, clear communications, empowerment, training, etc. 3.VERY SATISFIED employees can be trained on the same retention and partnering strategies we are discussing today 7
Powered by: SmartPros Going Beyond a “Vendor” Communicate as a “Partner” …and not a “Vendor” 1.Traditional “Vendor vs. Customer” relationship can be adversarial 2.“Partnering Strategies” lead to more trust, and better retention 8
Powered by: SmartPros Going Beyond a “Vendor” When To Partner 1.It’s always time to partner 2.Lunch meetings are an appropriate setting 3.The KEY: Communicate BEFORE a problem occurs 4.Proactive leads to a hero. Reactive leads to damage control 9
Powered by: SmartPros Client Communication Communicating with Your Clients 1.Your client has the answers to their own satisfaction: ASK THEM: a.What level of service do you feel you are getting b.Are they SATISFIED, or VERY SATISFIED c.Are there any current conflicts or frustrations d.Is there a better way of communicating e.What are your business goals…how can I help f.What else is going on in your business, outside of traditional accounting issues. 2.You are their Trusted Advisor 10
Powered by: SmartPros Creating a Partnership “Contract” Partnership “Contract” 1.“We want you to be VERY SATISFIED” and, “We need YOUR HELP” 2.Tell them “WHY” you want them to be VERY SATISFIED 3.“What can we do to make you VERY SATISFIED?” 4.Lastly - “Let me know if you are ever JUST SATISFIED with our work.” 11
Powered by: SmartPros Summary In Summary 1.VERY SATISFIED employees lead to… VERY SATISFIED clients 2.VERY SATISFIED clients are actually… VERY SATISFIED partners. 12
Powered by: SmartPros Customer Service Communications Skills 1.Fantastic follow-Up 2.Keep commitments 3.Communication methods Communication Skills 13
Powered by: SmartPros Communication Skills Fantastic Follow-Up 1.Contact client within 24 hours after meeting 2.Be sure to summarize the key points 3.Documented meeting creates mutual understanding of action items 4.Follow-up doesn’t need to be ‘long’ to be effective 14
Powered by: SmartPros Communication Skills Keep Commitments 1.Work ahead; add buffer time 2.If you can’t deliver, tell them ahead of time 15
Powered by: SmartPros Communication Methods 1.How do they prefer to be contacted 2.Interpersonal communications skills a.Listening is more powerful than speaking b.Being direct on issues will get you both to goal much quicker 16
Powered by: SmartPros Summary Summary: 1.SATISFIED vs. VERY SATISFIED a.SATISFIED clients = 60% - VERY SATISFIED clients = 90% b.VERY SATISFIED employees lead to VERY SATISFIED clients c.VERY SATISFIED clients are actually VERY SATISFIED partners. 17
Powered by: SmartPros Summary, continued 2. Communicate as a “Partner” … not a “Vendor” a.It’s always time to partner b.Your client has the answers to their own satisfaction c.ASK THEM to help you HELP THEM d.Create a “partnership contract” 18
Powered by: SmartPros Summary, continued 3. Specific Customer Communication Skills a. Fantastic follow-up b. Keep commitments c. Communication methods 19
Powered by: SmartPros Group Discussion Questions In a professional practice, how much does retention and loyalty matter? To what extent is your practice built around the retention of existing clients? Author’s Note: Remember, there is a 30% greater chance of doing continued business between a SATISFIED and a VERY SATISFIED client. 20
Powered by: SmartPros Group Discussion Questions How do you know if your clients are SATISFIED, or VERY SATISFIED? Author’s Note: You can continue to guess and you’ll most likely have SATISFIED clients…or you can create an opportunity to “ASK THEM” directly. 21
Powered by: SmartPros Group Discussion Questions What role do employees play in successful partnering? What impression do employees at your firm give to clients and prospects? Author’s Note: You can cannot produce VERY SATISFIED clients with employees who are just SATISFIED. 22
Powered by: SmartPros Group Discussion Questions When is it a good time to approach your clients with a “partnership” conversation? Author’s Note: It’s never too early or late to establish a partnership (versus a client / vendor relationship). The key is to develop a partnership BEFORE you have a problem. 23
Powered by: SmartPros Group Discussion Questions One of the keys to successful partnership is fantastic follow-up. What does this entail? How successfully is it practiced at your firm? Author’s Note: After any meeting, you should: a. contact the client within 24 hours; and b. summarize the key points of the meeting 24
Powered by: SmartPros What Now? Reference Handout Material for Additional Content Information Review CPE Card Complete Course by Taking Online Component 25