Rhode Island Model for Educator Evaluation Systems August 2010
RI Educator Evaluation System Goals Provide teachers and administrators: Clear, common expectations for educator quality Regular, meaningful feedback about performance and opportunities for development An effective teacher in every classroom An effective principal in every school
Evaluation System Standards 1/3/2014
RI Model, District Systems, and the AFT Innovation Grant AFT System RI Model District System Same timelines for development All models must meet all aspects of the EES standards AFT and RIDE currently exploring ways to merge models
Committee Work Structure 1/3/2014 TAC (Technical Advisory Committee) RIDE Internal Work Team Strategic Planning Team working with consultants (NCIEA, TNTP, TBA) ACEES (Advisory Committee on Educator Effectiveness Systems) RI Educator Evaluation Model System Impact on Student Learning Professional Responsibilities Professional Practice -Focus Teachers Professional Practice-Focus Administrators Evaluation Process Professional Development and Support Educator Evaluation System Approval Process District Adapters
RI Model Committee Roles and Responsibilities 1/3/2014 ACEES Review and provide critical feedback to RIDE and the working groups on all key evaluation system deliverables Provide direction to the working groups for overall system development through the design principles Working groups Produce and present to RIDE and ACEES a set of deliverables that cover specific components of the evaluation system RIDE leadership and representatives Manage the overall process and progress of evaluation system design Provide working groups with initial draft documents to use as the starting point in their discussions Commit to using a consensus approach to decision-making whenever possible Act as final decision-makers if consensus cannot be reached in a timely manner
Tiered System Roll Out Plan SY SY SY Teacher Evaluation ProcessX Teacher Evaluation System (with rewards/consequences) X Building Administrator Evaluation Process X Building Administrator Evaluation System (with rewards/consequences) X Support Staff and District Administrator Evaluation System X
Overview of core elements of the RI Teacher Evaluation Model (current iteration) Evaluation and development go hand in hand. The Rhode Island Models (RI Model) evaluation process enables individualized development for teachers that is aligned to student learning goals and tied directly to evaluation results. Self-directed growth and development is a critical component of professionalism. To this end, the evaluation process will be designed to enable regular self-reflection and opportunities for educators to drive development conversations. Evaluation and observation are related but separate things. While all teachers will be evaluated on an annual basis, the frequency of required observations to inform evaluation ratings will vary based on the specific circumstances of each individual teacher. The system is built around a clear framework of expectations for both teacher performance and student performance. These expectations are focused on evidence-based assessments of student learning, professional practice (including content knowledge), and professional responsibilities. The evaluation cycle will be embedded in regular, substantive conferences between the teacher and his/her evaluator that act as the cornerstone of the evaluation process. These conferences should provide a forum for meaningful feedback about performance, regular development discussions, and review of student data.
Primary components to assess teacher performance ComponentDescription Student Learning Outcomes Student Learning will be measured in two ways: 1. Student growth as indicated by a growth model, where appropriate data is available; and 2. Student mastery of rigorous academic goals and standards, based upon a variety of summative assessments and measured through a goal attainment process. Professional Practice The extent to which a teacher executes a set of core competencies (including content), through observations of teacher and student actions and document reviews. Professional practice competencies will be clearly mapped on a performance rubric by performance level. Professional Responsibilities The extent to which a teacher exhibits non-skill and knowledge based actions and attitudes that reflect a clearly defined set of professional responsibilities.
Final rating scale Individual ratings for each of the three components will be combined to produce a final rating based on the following 4-point scale: Ineffective Minimally Effective Effective Highly Effective Student learning rating Professional practice rating Professional responsibilities rating + + Final evaluation rating
RI Model Benchmarks 1/3/2014 ACEES Working Groups June Content Frameworks Process Framework October Instruments Training January Implement System Sept
Working Group Charges 1/3/2014 Working GroupGroup Charge – To be delivered October 2010 Impact on Student LearningDevise the process (methods, tools, and mix of assessments) used to evaluate individual teachers impact on student learning Evaluation ProcessDevise the set of rules and procedures under which educators will be evaluated, including assessment methods; frequency and timeline for observation, feedback, and development; and evaluation tools Professional Practice (Teachers and Administrators) Define the competencies of professional practice and the indicators used to measure each competency, and establish a rubric that delineates performance standards at each level Professional ResponsibilitiesDefine the competencies of professional responsibility and the indicators used to measure each competency, and establish a rubric that delineates performance standards at each level Professional Development and Support Devise the process, mechanisms and content for providing development support at all performance levels
Multiple Measures for Student Learning
Evidence used to assess teachers Teacher Group Student Learning Outcomes Professional Practice Professional Responsibilities Growth Model Goal Attainment School- or Group- wide Measure Teachers who teach tested grades and subjects where the growth model can be applied (e.g., 5 th grade general education) XXXXX Teachers who teach grades and subjects where the growth model cannot be applied (e.g., 11 th grade English, middle school art, etc.) XXXX
Teacher Professional Practice Current draft of the teacher professional practice framework includes a set of domains (e.g., Knowledge of Students & Classroom Culture, Planning & Preparation, Classroom Instruction, etc) and a set of teacher competencies under each domain Competencies measure teacher behaviors that can be assessed through observation or document/artifact review Competencies are primarily based on a detailed review and discussion of RI Professional Teaching Standards; also included discussion of draft INTASC Standards, and a variety of external examples, including Charlotte Danielsons Framework for Teaching, and DC Public Schools Teaching and Learning Framework.
Administrator Professional Practice Current draft of the administrator professional practice framework uses the RI Educational Leadership Standards (RIELS) as the basis. RIELS will provide the framework so that rubric can be built from a single, aligned set of leadership standards Reviewed and compared other examples of leadership standards to make final determination that the rubric should be built off of RIELS Agreement on general design principles for the rubric: RIELS Domain Standards 1-4 will provide the large evaluation areas Within each domain, administrators will be rated on the articulated competencies Under each competency, the RIELS indicators will inform the performance descriptors that describe what performance for each competency looks like at each performance level Rubric will also provide sources of evidence to be used to make assessments of administrator performance for each competency
Professional Responsibilities Current draft of the teacher professional responsibilities framework includes a set of domains and a set of competencies under each domain The competencies measure non-skill based behaviors that apply to all educators and can be assessed through observation of daily interactions, actions over time, and input from colleagues and other appropriate sources. Competencies based off of a detailed review and discussion of RI Professional Teaching Standards, RI Educational Leadership Standards, RI Code of Professional Responsibility, and a variety of external examples.
Support and Development Current draft of the teacher support and development program includes state-wide expectations for all teachers to: Engage in self-assessment of their performance Create an annual, individualized development plan Evaluation and development are directly linked, with evaluation results used to inform targeted development needs
The Rhode Island Model High Quality Design Intensive Training ISPs to build capacity Validity Studies State-wide Participation in Development Continuous Model Refinement 1/3/2014
Small Group Discussion and Feedback Break into small groups Use the Working Group Chart and the Comment Sheet Discuss each groups charge and guiding principles Consider strengths, concerns and questions 40 Minutes 1/3/2014
Thank You! 1/3/2014