Compare and Contrast; Monitor/Clarify Lesson We Were There, Too! Unit 3, Lesson 15 Day # 1 Created by: M. Christoff, Enrichment Specialist, Field Local Schools
Objectives for Today Students will compare and contrast to understand relationships among ideas. Students will use the monitor/clarify strategy to check understanding of comparisons and contrasts.
To find ways that two or more things are similar Compare To find ways that two or more things are similar
To find ways that two or more things are different Contrast To find ways that two or more things are different
To pay attention to how well you understand what you read Monitor To pay attention to how well you understand what you read
To figure out something that doesn’t make sense Clarify To figure out something that doesn’t make sense
Comparing Text Details Good readers use comparing text details to clarify understanding. Read the Background on page 375.
Compare and Contrast Signal words such as both, signify comparisons, while phrases like on the other hand signify contrasts.
Compare and Contrast We will use a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast both kinds of soldiers.
Militiamen and Regulars (Projectable 15.2) During the Revolutionary War, the Americans in the Continental Army were divided into two groups. These were the Militiamen and the Regulars. Regular soldiers were the men who were regularly paid to be soldiers.
Militiamen and Regulars (Projectable 15.2) It was their main job. They enlisted, trained, and lived as soldiers and were always ready to fight. Militiamen, on the other hand, were volunteers who did not get paid. They kept their own jobs most of the time.
Militiamen and Regulars (Projectable 15.2) They were expected to assemble, or gather, and train whenever there was an emergency and need for more soldiers. Although there were differences between them, both groups fought bravely for their country’s freedom.
Think Aloud When I read “both groups fought bravely,” I know this a comparison because of the signal word both. As I read, I need to monitor my understanding and clarify any questions I might have.
Militiamen Both Regulars Use a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast Militiamen and Regulars. (Projectable 15.2) Militiamen Unpaid volunteers Kept their own jobs most of the time Assembled when there was an emergency Both Were part of the Continental Army Fought bravely for freedom Regulars Paid soldiers Trained and lived as soldiers Always ready to fight
Think Aloud I wondered why someone would become a Militiaman. Then I read on and realized that not everyone was able to join the Army. Both types of soldiers fought for their country. The comparisons and contrasts earlier in the passage helped clarify this. Which job was more rewarding and tell why you think so?
Compare and Contrast; Monitor/Clarify Lesson We Were There, Too! Unit 3, Lesson 15 Day # 2 Created by: M. Christoff, Enrichment Specialist, Field Local Schools
Objectives for Today Students will compare and contrast to understand relationships among ideas. Students will use the monitor/clarify strategy to check understanding of comparisons and contrasts.
To find ways that two or more things are similar Compare To find ways that two or more things are similar
To find ways that two or more things are different Contrast To find ways that two or more things are different
To pay attention to how well you understand what you read Monitor To pay attention to how well you understand what you read
To figure out something that doesn’t make sense Clarify To figure out something that doesn’t make sense
Comparing Text Details Good readers use comparing text details to clarify understanding.
Compare and Contrast Signal words such as both, signify comparisons, while phrases like on the other hand signify contrasts.
Compare and Contrast We will use a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast characters.
Think Aloud Compare and Contrast Readers can compare and contrast text details to get better understanding of the ideas an author presents in a text. Good readers study the ways characters behave and connect characters’ behaviors to their own experiences.
Think Aloud Compare and Contrast To analyze more than one text or more that one section of the same text, readers may compare and contrast the characters, historical time periods, settings, or cultural details in each.
Rode all night to help gather the militiamen Use a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast Joseph Martin and Sybil Ludington. Joseph Martin Young man Enlisted in the army Fought in the war Both Young Brave Patriotic Helped during the American Revolution Sybil Ludington Young woman Rode all night to help gather the militiamen
Think Aloud (pp. 378-382, 385-388) Seeing that the text is organized into two sections helps me compare and contrast the two main historical figures. Both people were about the same age. They supported the American army, but in different ways. Joseph enlisted as a soldier. Sybil could not enlist, but she rode all night to warn the militia. Both showed bravery and suffered hardships to support their cause.
Rides all night to gather militia Use text details to compare and contrast Joseph Martin and Sybil Ludington. (pp. 378-382, 385-388) Joseph Martin Age 15 Enlists as a soldier Fights in a war Both Help the Army Experience hardship Are Brave Sybil Ludington Age 16 Cannot fight in the war Rides all night to gather militia
Questions To Think About p. 378-380, 385-386 How are the expectations for teenagers different today than they were in the time of the selection? Teens today are expected to be in school. They are not expected to work for a living and are not expected to be soldiers. Most teens today can’t ride horses. Many learn to drive cars instead. Why is it helpful to consider the time period of this selection when comparing and contrasting its characters? The historical setting accounts for characters’ motives, actions, and behavior. Long ago, life was different for young people from what it is today.
Questions To Think About p. 378-380, 385-386 What characteristics do Joseph and Sybil share? They are brave and hard-working and want to help others. They believed in their cause.
Girls helped by working at home, carrying messages Both Compare and contrast ways teens supported their country in the 1700s with ways teens support their country today. Use details and your own experiences. (pp. 378-380, 385-386) Support Country Then Boys were soldiers Girls helped by working at home, carrying messages Both Volunteer Support causes Keep informed Support Country Now Volunteer to improve community Organize charity events Send goods or emails to soldiers
Compare and Contrast Comprehension Questions (pp. 378-380) Work with a partner, and list character traits for Sybil or Joseph. Using a Venn Diagram, compare your own life with one of these Revolutionary War Heroes.
Joseph or Sybil ____________ Both My Life _____________ Compare and contrast your life with Sybil’s or Joseph’s. Use a Venn Diagram. (pp. 378-380) Joseph or Sybil ____________ Both My Life _____________
Review of Comparing Text Details Good readers use comparing text details to clarify understanding.
Review of Compare and Contrast Signal Words Signal words such as both, signify comparisons, while phrases like on the other hand signify contrasts.