Star t Instructi ons
You will have to answer 10 straight forward questions on music, songs and different artists. If you have a score of more than 6 you can move on to level 2. You can select your answer by clicking on the text or image. A pop up will show, informing you if you got the answer correct or not. You can exit the game at any time in the game by pressing the ‘exit’ button on the bottom left hand corner of the screen or by pressing the ‘ESC’ button on your keyboard. If you need to refer to this page again then you can click on the ‘I’ button on the bottom left hand corner of the screen.
Michael Jackson Rihanna Britney Spears Exit Questi on 1 Scor e 0
Oh, na, na, what's my name? What's my name? oh, na, na Exit Questi on 2121 Scor e 1616
Singin g Singing and Rapping Rappin g Exit Questi on 2 Scor e 1717
Lady Gaga Rihanna Taylor Swift Exit Questi on 2323 Scor e 1717
What makes you beautiful Your beautifulBeautiful Exit Questi on 2424 Scor e 1818
And I was like baby, baby, baby, oh Like baby, baby, baby, no Like baby, baby, baby, oh I thought you'd always be mine, mine Baby, baby, baby, oh Like baby, baby, baby, no Like baby, baby, baby, oh I thought you'd always be mine, mine (Yeah, yeah, yeah) Now I'm all gone (Yeah, yeah, yeah) Now I'm all gone (Yeah, yeah, yeah) Now I'm all gone, gone, gone, gone I'm gone As long as you love me We could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke As long as you love me I'll be your platinum, I'll be your silver, I'll be your gold As long as you love, love me, love me As long as you love, love me, love me As long as you love, love me, love me As long as you love, love me, love me As long as you love me Exit Questi on 2525 Scor e 1919
Love the way you lie What’s my name? Not afrai d Exit Questi on 2626 Scor e 2020
Scream & Shout Womanize r I gotta feeling Exit Questi on 2727 Scor e 2121
Love story We are never ever getting back together Last Christmas Exit Questi on 2828 Scor e 2
Exit Questi on 2929 Scor e 2323
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Call me maybe Love story This kiss Questi on Scor e Exit
All time Low Little things Hey Jude Questi on 3131 Scor e 2525 Exit
Questi on 3232 Scor e 2525 Exit
Champi on Yeah 3x Until you were gone Questi on 3 Scor e 2525 Exit
Robyn Rihanna Fenty Rohna Rihanna Fent Rosie Rihanna Fenty Questi on 3434 Scor e 2626 Exit
Questi on 3535 Scor e 2626 Exit
Gangna m Style Call me maybe Bab y Questi on 3636 Scor e 2727 Exit
Questi on 3737 Scor e 2828 Exit
Single Ladies Do it like a dude Freedo m Exit
Locked out of heaven Just the way you are Lazy song Questi on 3939 Scor e 3030 Exit
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Level 2
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