Serving West Virginia’s Adult Students
The Importance of Adult Students 2 West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
Increasing Demand for Educated Workers Carnevale, A.P., Smith, N., Strohl, J. (2010). Help wanted: Projections of jobs and education requirements through Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce. Washington, D.C. Between , there will be 234,000 job vacancies (from new jobs and retirements) 49% (115,000) of these jobs will require postsecondary credentials 40% (95,000) will require a high school degree 19% (23,000) will require less than a high school degree By 2018, we will need an additional 20,000 people with postsecondary credentials 3 West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
College-going Rate Among Recent High School Graduates 4 Source: Table 200, National Digest of Education Statistics, 2008; West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
Public & Nonpublic High School Graduates as a Proportion of 1999 Graduates 5 Source: Knocking at the College Door, 2008, Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
Adult (25 and Older) Undergraduate Enrollment as a Proportion of 1999 Enrollees 6 Source: West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
A Snapshot of Adult Learners 7 West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
8 Shifts in Adult Enrollment West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
9 Retention Rates--Four-Year Institutions (Fall 2002 First-time Entry Students) West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
10 Graduation Rates West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
11 Average Years to Degree West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
Adult Starters in West Virginia 12 West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
Adult Starters Since 1995, 126,997 West Virginians over the age of 25 have started but not finished a postsecondary credential Women constitute 54% of this group 45% earned less than 30 credits, 25% earned 30-59, 22% earned 60-89, 12% earned Sources: West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
14 Survey of Adult Starters More likely to be women, about 45 years old, and married with children. 35% last enrolled 1990 or earlier, 30% enrolled between 2006 and Reasons for dropping out: finances, lack of time, personal issues, and lack of institutional support. 45% planned on reenrolling with top two reasons being personal enrichment and to advance current career. Reenrollment preferences: attend class in evenings on weekdays, hybrid format, live at home, commute 35 minutes or less, likely part-time attendance with full-time work. West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
Serving Adult Students Effectively 15 West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
16 Principles of Effectiveness for Serving Adult Learners Outreach Life and Career Planning Financing Assessment of Learning Outcomes Teaching-Learning Process Student Support Systems Technology Strategic Partnerships West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
17 Outreach The institution conducts its outreach to adult learners by overcoming barriers of time, place, and tradition in order to create lifelong access to educational opportunities. Practices: Varied recruitment Address personal needs and concerns Help with barriers Assist in informed decisions Faculty who transcend traditional role West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
18 Life and Career Planning The institution addresses adult learners' life and career goals before or at the onset of enrollment in order to assess and align its capacities to help learners reach their goals. Practices: Engage learner in education and career planning Partners in planning, delivery & evaluation of learning Help to use assessment for decision making West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
19 Financing Institution promotes choice using an array of payment options to expand equity and financial flexibility. Practices: Informs about convenient payment options Provides deferred payment options Makes aid available to part-time students Assesses charges incrementally; equitable refunds Helps with strategies to locate external funding West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
20 Assessment of Learning Outcomes Institution defines and assesses knowledge, skills and competencies acquired by adult learners from the curriculum and life/work experience to assign credit and confer degrees with rigor. Practices: Design educational experiences with outcomes in mind Include range of stakeholders in defining learning outcomes Variety of assessment techniques Pathways to credit for learning from varied sources Use outcomes as foundation for pursuit of subsequent degrees West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
21 Teaching-Learning Process Faculty uses multiple methods of instruction (including experiential and problem-based methods) in order to connect curricular concepts to useful knowledge and skills. Practices: High degree of interaction Learners as co-creators of knowledge Multiple methods of delivery Integrated assessment Build on adult knowledge, interests, and life context West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
22 Student Support Systems Institution employs comprehensive academic and student support systems in order to develop self-directed, lifelong learners. Practices: Activated by student’s initial inquiry Academic support systems work with other organizations Flexible time frames Individual attention Address adult needs Professional development on adult learning West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
23 Technology Institution uses information technology to provide relevant and timely information and to enhance the learning experience. Practices: To build community for geographically remote learners To provide flexible and timely education and admin services To empower management of learning process and expand choices of learning modes To mirror technology driven workplace West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
24 Strategic Partnerships Institution engages in partnerships with employers and other organizations to develop and improve educational opportunities. Practices: As way to reach adult learners Inclusion of other organizations’ job opportunities and needs Help develop work mentoring and advising programs Support at times and places congruent with work Encourage education-related activities at worksite Collaborate to assess impact of ed. on org. goals West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
Overview of DegreeNow 25 West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
26 The Program Joint effort between the WVHEPC & CTCS, in partnership with NASPA-Student Affairs in Higher Education (formerly the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators) and funded by Lumina. Integrated statewide adult degree completion program: West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV BOG-AAS Regents Transfer Agreement RBA
The Importance of Adult Students 27 West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV Target Population West Virginia adults (over 25) who have: –Completed some college since 1995; –Not yet earned a degree; and –Not been enrolled for at least three years.
DegreeNow Goals By 2013: 3,000 adults complete an associate’s degree 4,600 adults complete a bachelor’s degree. Each year, thereafter, our goal is to help an additional 2,500 adults complete a credential. Sources: West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
Activities to Date Adult Learner Statewide Presentations Advisory Board Evaluation Efforts Train-the-Trainers Workshop Leveraging DegreeNow to Support Adult Learners (regional 8- hr workshops) Sources: West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission 1018 Kanawha Blvd E Ste 700 Charleston WV voice fax Contact Dr. Sarah Beasley West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
31 Median Credit Hours Earned by WV Adult Starters, West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV West Liberty University77 WV Northern CTC50 Marshall University73Blue Ridge CTC48 WVU Institute of Technology70WVU at Parkersburg44 Bluefield State College68Southern WV CTC42 Fairmont State University65Mountwest CTC39 West Virginia University60New River CTC33 Shepherd University59Potomac State College of WVU32 West Virginia State University53Kanawha Valley CTC31 Bridgemont CTC52Pierpont CTC31 Concord University51Eastern WV CTC16 Glenville State College50
32 Median Years Since Last Enrolled, WV Adult Starters West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV Glenville State College 7 WVU Institute of Technology 6 Bridgemont CTC 6 Blue Ridge CTC 5 Concord University 6 Bluefield State College 5 Marshall University 6 Eastern WV CTC 5 New River CTC 6 Fairmont State University 5 Pierpont CTC 6 Kanawha Valley CTC 5 Potomac State College of WVU 6 Mountwest CTC 5 Shepherd University 6 West Virginia State University 5 Southern WV CTC 6 WV Northern CTC 5 West Liberty University 6 WVU at Parkersburg 5 West Virginia University 6
33 Age Distribution of WV Adult Starters, West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV and older West Virginia University83%12%5%0% Potomac State College of WVU80%11%8%0% Concord University76%16%8%0% West Liberty University75%14%10%1% Bridgemont CTC67%18%15%0% Shepherd University66%21%13%1% Pierpont CTC61%21%17%1% Marshall University60%22%16%2% WVU Institute of Technology60%21%17%2% Glenville State College59%21%18%2% Fairmont State University58%24%17%1% New River CTC57%25%17%1% Kanawha Valley CTC56%23%20%1% Bluefield State College54%27%18%1% West Virginia State University54%25%20%1% Southern WV CTC53%25%21%1% WVU at Parkersburg52%26%21%1% Mountwest CTC49%23%27%1% Blue Ridge CTC49%25% 1% WV Northern CTC44%27% 2% Eastern WV CTC39%31%29%1%
Increasing Demand for Educated Workers Carnevale, A.P., Smith, N., Strohl, J. (2010). Help wanted: Projections of jobs and education requirements through Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce. Washington, D.C. Between , there will be 234,000 job vacancies (from new jobs and retirements) 49% (115,000) of these jobs will require postsecondary credentials 40% (95,000) will require a high school degree 19% (23,000) will require less than a high school degree By 2018, we will need an additional 20,000 people with postsecondary credentials 34 West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV
A Postsecondary Stall & the Postsecondary Completion Push Postsecondary completion rates have hovered around 50% for the past 40 years Proportion of US adults with two- or four-year degrees has hovered around 39% for 40 years Host of national completion goals American Graduation Initiative has set an attainment goal of 55% nationally by 2025 Lumina Foundation’s Big Goal, 60% by 2025 Sources: Table 187. Digest of Education Statistics, National Center for Education Statistics; Lumina Foundation for Education; National Center for Higher Education Management Systems 35 West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Community and Technical College System of WV