Relative Pronouns ou[toj, evkei/noj This, That
Demonstratives Demonstrative Pronoun: “This / these” or “that / those” Relative Pronoun: “Who, that, which” –They are dependent clauses can cannot contain the main subject or verb
o[j Nom Sg Masc Acc Sg o[n oi[ Nom Pl Gen Pl w-n Gen Sg ou- Dat Sg w|- oi-j Dat Pl Acc Pl ou[j h[ Fem h[n ai[ w-n h-j h-| ai-j a[j o[ Neuter o[ a[ w-n ou- w-| oi-j a[ “whom”
evkei/no j Nom Sg Masc Acc Sg evkei/no n ou-toi, Nom Pl Gen Pl tou,twn Gen Sg evkei,no u Dat Sg evkei,nw |/ tou,toij Dat Pl Acc Pl tou,touj evkei,nh Fem evkei,nh n evkei/na i evkei,nw n evkei,nh j evkei,nh | evkei,na ij evkei,na j evkei/no Neuter evkei/no evkei/na evkei,nw n evkei,no u evkei,nw | evkei,no ij evkei/na “That”
o[j Nom Sg Masc Acc Sg o[n oi[ Nom Pl Gen Pl w-n Gen Sg ou- Dat Sg w|- oi-j Dat Pl Acc Pl ou[j h[ Fem h[n ai[ w-n h-j h-| ai-j a[j o[ Neuter o[ a[ w-n ou- w-| oi-j a[ “whom”
o]j dV a'n pi,h| evk tou/ u[datoj ou- evgw. dw,sw auvtw/|( ouv mh. diyh,sei eivj to.n aivw/na… “drink” “shall give” “shall thirst”
New Vocabulary
avlh,qeia “truth”
eivrh,nh “Peace”
evnw,pion “Before”
evpta, “Seven”
qro,noj “Throne”
vIerousalhm “Jerusalem”
kata Genitive: “Down from, Against” Accusative: “According to, throughout, during”
kefalh, “Head”
o[te “when”
ou[twj “Thus, so, in this manner”
ploi/on “Ship, boat”
r`h/ma “word, saying”
te “and”
cei,r “Hand, arm, finger”
yuch, “Soul, life”