Kaufmännische Schule Waiblingen (KS WN) Germany commercial school Kaufmännische Schule Waiblingen (KS WN) Germany commercial school
1. Waiblingen Never heard of it ,000 inhabitants located near Stuttgart
1. Waiblingen viniculture region a lot of festivals like the “Altstadtfest” and the “Mittelalterfest” Every Saturday there is a market in the middle of the city attractions like the “Beinsteiner Tor” or the historical center.
2. Impressions of the school building from the outside from the inside: lower level with small cafeteria and sofa
2. Impressions of the school building Coming to the first floor yes, there also are people in the school building little library and computer corner for pupils Classroom Sorry, the pupils have gone home already
2. Impressions of the school building big cafetria when you are a sports freak, you can make some ball sports on the soccer field
3. The staff School administration The important people Head- master Mr. Lenk Assistant head- master Mr. Fischinger Responsible for part-time schools Mr. Schäfer Responsible for vocational business school Mrs. Kumpf Responsible for commercial high school Mrs. Bürk
3. The staff The teachers The REALLY important people There are nearly 90 teachers at the Kaufmännische Schule Waiblingen
4. Our Mission Statement
We focus on the human being and meet each other with respect and consideration. Stimulation of learning environment by promoting and requiring Tuition addresses everybody School – a community Leadership in a team Extra-curricular commitment We hold learning outside of the classroom dear. We promote the creation of values and a holistic development of personality with various common activities.
5. Extra-curricular activities Activities of the school council Sports tournaments Skiing in Austria Collecting Christmas presents for poor children
5. Extra-curricular activities School excursions grade 12: Vienna, Paris..... Project days at the end of each school year: canoeing on the Rems.... Ski excursion in grade 11
5. Extra-curricular activities Comenius project with Belgium, Hungary, France and Sweden School exchanges with Sweden, Poland and Serbia
Participants Comenius project „Melting the ice“
We are looking forward to our common project