State Agency & Social Security Administration Data Exchange Opportunities
Challenges Facing Government Increasing workload Decreasing budgets Changing customer demands Rapidly changing technology
SSA Data Sharing Over 25 years sharing data electronically First with welfare & Medicaid agencies More recently with: Unemployment Insurance Workers Compensation
Matches Current interface with other agencies Veterans Administration Office of Personnel Management Railroad Board Bureau of Prisons Medicare
State Needs Verify names and SSNs Determine Social Security benefit amounts
State Benefits Reduced overpayments/fraud Decreased administrative costs Improved service
SSA Needs: TANF payments Medicaid eligibility dates Vital records Current quarterly wage data Weekly Unemployment Compensation payments for SSI offset purposes Workers Comp payments
SSA Benefits Reduced Overpayments First GAO Report: $131M annually Improved Customer Service More one stop processing Faster claims processing More timely and accurate payments Decreased Administrative Costs $7.50 per follow up visit
SSA Access to State Records Online: SASRO Used to obtain State agency data 79 agencies in 45 states participate 34 HS agencies 29 UI agencies 11 WC agencies 5 VS agencies Goal: All 50 states
Vital Statistics Pilot Overview Next Generation of SASRO Electronic Verification of Vital Events (EVVE) Pilots SSA awarded a contract to NAPHSIS to develop EVVE NAPHSIS subcontracted software development NAPHSIS and SSA have started work with Colorado & Missouri on pilots
EVVE Design Birth and Death Confirmations SSA field offices employees will enter vital information on screens Information will pass through a HUB - then to participating state State will review data and reply through HUB to SSA. Testing indicates a 5 second turnaround.
Hub Server Diagram.. Hub Approved Requestors State VS Agencies
Challenges Security: Eliminate the possibility of browsing Minimize the potential for unauthorized use How Addressed 1. Yes/No response vs. list of possible matches 2. SSL and VPN 3. Six-step security plan
Next Steps – EVVE Complete pilots in 8 participating states Obtain pricing and minimum quantities recommendation Negotiate price and quantities Report at next NAPHSIS Annual Meeting
Future Challenges Revenue Impacts Start-up Costs Difference in State laws/regulations/structure Addition of Other Federal Agencies (e.g., Passport Agency, VA, RRB, etc.)