Using EU-fin Interactive user manual for coordinators (Using EU-fin to the fullest)
What is EU-fin? Web-based tool for the financial management of fp7 projects –Planning of budgets & person months –Reporting actual costs & person months –Explanation of costs –Monitoring –Reallocating budgets Introduction
How does it work? Setting up EU-fin by coordinator Partner/coordinator enters planning of budgets Partners report actual costs & explanation Coordinator monitors reporting, enters payments, generates reports Allocating budgets and monitor spent budgets Introduction
Structure of EU-fin Coordinator menu –Setting up/adjusting project interface –Monitoring module –Generating reports Beneficiary menu –Personal menu for each partner –Budgets, costs & explanation forms –Generating Form C Introduction
Log-in This presentation contains direct links to the right pages in EU-fin, to use these links you have to log-in first. Go to: EU-fin Log inEU-fin Log in Your user information has been sent to you by , contact the helpdesk if you haven’t received this helpdesk Change log-in information before first log-in: Change passwordChange password
Structure of coordinator menu Navigation panel: 4 submenu’s Click on these titles to navigate through the coordinator menu A submenu will appear on the left side Introduction
Setting up How to set up? 14 steps to set up EU-fin are explained in the following slides Comprehensive user guide to set up EU-fin is available at the helpdeskhelpdesk Setting up
Settings & Parameters Flexible Parameters: ● Project type (defines funding scheme) ● Work Packages● Periods ● Beneficiaries● Type of Expenditures ● Link Beneficiaries & WP’s ● Requested Contribution Fixed Parameters (Linked to funding scheme) ● Activity types ● Funding rates These fixed parameters cannot be changed. When the right funding scheme is chosen, EU-fin automatically takes into account the right funding percentages per work package and beneficiary Setting up
14 steps Step 1.‘Project » Project information and parameters’‘Project » Project information and parameters’ Enter or choose the project specific parameters Indirect cost calculation: Advice: In the beneficiary menu, an advice for the indirect costs is calculated Whole duration closed: Yes: In the beneficiary menu, the whole duration column can only be edited by the coordinator Setting up
14 steps Step 2. ‘Project » Periods’‘Project » Periods’ Create the necessary periods You can choose to use the official reporting periods to the Commission as your EU-fin periods, or split up your official periods. Realise some reports cannot be generated for more than one EU-fin period (for example the Explanation report). Setting up
14 steps Step 3. ‘Project » Type of Expenditures’‘Project » Type of Expenditures’ The following type of expenditures are already created: –Personnel costs –Subcontracting –Indirect costs Define the subcategories of the cost type ‘Other direct costs’, for example ‘Travel’, ‘Equipment’ etc On the Form C and the A3.1 the subcategories will automatically be added up to one category ‘ Other direct costs’ Setting up
14 steps Step 5. 'Beneficiary » Insert Beneficiary''Beneficiary » Insert Beneficiary' Create the beneficiaries Status organisation defines the funding rate that is used for calculating the maximum-allowable EC- contribution The Indirect costs method of each beneficiary is necessary for calculating the indirect costs Setting up
14 steps Step 4. 'Project » Insert Project Users''Project » Insert Project Users' Insert the necessary users per beneficiary; namely scientists, financial officers and work package leaders Setting up
14 steps Step 7. 'Project » Work Package / Task''Project » Work Package / Task' Create the necessary work packages* * In EU-fin the budgets and costs are entered on work package level. It is also possible to report on task level. Go to slide 19 first.19 Setting up
14 steps Step 8. 'Beneficiary » Insert Link Beneficiary to Work Package''Beneficiary » Insert Link Beneficiary to Work Package' Link the beneficiaries to the work packages they are working on. First select the work package, then select a beneficiary and click to save the link. Repeat for each beneficiary and work package. Setting up
14 steps Step 9. 'EC Contribution and Payments » Insert Beneficiary Contribution per Activity''EC Contribution and Payments » Insert Beneficiary Contribution per Activity' Insert the requested EC-contribution per activity for each beneficiary Setting up
14 steps Step 10. 'Beneficiary » Create Beneficiary Menu''Beneficiary » Create Beneficiary Menu' Click to create the beneficiary menu Setting up
14 steps The following steps are optional, you can use them for extended usage Setting up
14 steps Step 11. ‘Project » Modules’‘Project » Modules’ Create the necessary modules Modules can be used to add another aggregation level. Without modules there is only one level, namely work package. When using modules there are two levels, the module will become work package, and the work packages become tasks. Thereby creating even more insight in the project budgets Setting up
14 steps Step 12. 'Beneficiary » Addresses''Beneficiary » Addresses' Insert the addresses of the beneficiaries Setting up
14 steps Step 13. 'Beneficiary » Communication''Beneficiary » Communication' Insert the main addresses, fax number, phone number or website of each beneficiary Note: the address, phone number and fax number of a single user can be inserted and updated via ‘Project » Update user’‘Project » Update user’ Setting up
14 steps Step 14. 'Beneficiary » Go to beneficiary menu''Beneficiary » Go to beneficiary menu' The last step is entering the beneficiary menu: select the beneficiary from the drop down box and click to enter the menu of that beneficiary Note: the beneficiary that is accessed from the coordinator menu is not the same as the beneficiary menu that the beneficiaries see after log in. To access the actual beneficiary menu, go to the link and click. Use the personal log-in information of partners (go to: 'Project » Insert user')'Project » Insert user' Setting up
Structure of beneficiary menu Navigation panel of beneficiary menu Click on these titles to navigate through the beneficiary menu Financial planning: Planning of budgets Project costs: Reporting of actual costs Reports: Generate queries of entered data Documents: View documents uploaded by your coordinator Beneficiary: View and update the beneficiary information User manual: access the EU-fin user manual for beneficiaries The beneficiary menu
Setting up 2 After setting up, EU-fin can be updated at all times Every parameter that is inserted, can be updated via ‘Update..’ or Setting up
Entering financial planning After setting up, the financial planning has to be entered Either by coordinator (if planning of budgets is known) or by partners themselves 3 possible methods explained in the following slides Financial planning
Using the whole duration column Whole duration column can be open or closed (Go to ‘Project » Project information and parameters’ to change settings)‘Project » Project information and parameters’ –Open: Partners can change the whole duration budgets –Closed: The budgets in the whole duration column are entered by coordinator and cannot be changed by the partners Reports are generated on basis of whole duration budgets or budget per periods A3.1 is based on whole duration budgets Financial planning
Method 1: The coordinator enters all planned budgets per work package, both the whole duration budget and the break down per period. 1. Go to: ‘Beneficiary » Go to beneficiary menu’‘Beneficiary » Go to beneficiary menu’ 2. Select the beneficiary and click Beneficiary Menu 3. Select the work package and enter the whole duration budgets and the budgets per period. 4. Repeat for each work package per beneficiary Methods for entering planning Financial planning
Method 2: The coordinator enters the whole duration budgets, the whole duration column is closed (the whole duration budgets cannot be changed by the partners). The partners enter the budget breakdown per period 1. Go to: ‘Beneficiary » Go to beneficiary menu’‘Beneficiary » Go to beneficiary menu’ 2. Select the beneficiary and click Beneficiary Menu 3. Select the work package and enter the whole duration budgets 4. Repeat for each work package per beneficiary 5. Invite the partners for entering the budget breakdown per period per work package (See ‘Inviting partners’ )‘Inviting partners’ Methods for entering planning Financial planning
Method 3: The partners enter both the whole duration budget and the break down per period. The whole duration column is open 1. Invite the partners for reporting the budget breakdown per period per work package (See ‘Inviting partners’ )‘Inviting partners’ Methods for entering planning Financial planning
Financial planning 3 After financial planning has been entered: Check A3.1 for each partner: ‘Reports » A3.1’ (separate A3.1 for each partner) ‘Reports » A3.1’ ‘Reports » A3.1 complete’ (A3.1 for every partner) ‘Reports » A3.1 complete’ Financial planning
Inviting partners to EU-fin Once EU-fin is ready for use, the beneficiary’s can be invited, the following steps are important: 1.Create the necessary manuals for the beneficiaries (available at helpdesk) 2.Upload these manuals in the beneficiary menu 3.Send to invite the beneficiaries 4.Monitor the actions of beneficiaries while reporting These steps are explained in the following slides Inviting partners
Help items for beneficiaries Step 1: Create the necessary manuals for beneficiaries The following templates are available at the Navigator: Manual project cost reporting for periodic reporting or in between reporting (in MS Word) Interactive step-by-step demonstration for periodic reporting (in MS PowerPoint) → Go to the log-in page of the Coordinator menu, on the right several manuals can be found Inviting partners
Step 2: Upload these manuals in the beneficiary menu Go to ‘Project » Documents’‘Project » Documents’ Select type of document, enter description and select the file for uploading Click save to upload the document into the beneficiary menu Repeat for each document Inviting partners Upload documents
Invitation from EU-fin Step 3: Send from EU-fin to invite the beneficiaries 1.Go to ‘Project » s’‘Project » s’ 2.Compose the and select the right settings 3.Select ‘With authorisation’ and the selected users will receive their log-in information in this 4.Click to send the 5.The will include the address of the coordinator (that is logged-in at that moment) as the reply address for s 6.The coordinator will receive a cc-copy of the Inviting partners
Step 4: Monitor the actions of beneficiaries while reporting When the beneficiaries are entering the planning of the budgets, their actions can be easily monitored with the EU-fin reports. Go to ‘Monitoring with EU-fin’ for more information‘Monitoring with EU-fin’ Monitor reporting of beneficiaries
Monitoring with EU-fin Monitoring the reporting of partners: Two options: 1.Use pre-defined overviews: One click report generation 2. Define your own overview: Analysis tool Every cross section of data in EU-fin is possible
Monitoring with EU-fin Use pre-defined overviews: A3.1 Cost budget follow up Person month tables Form C Explanation of the use of resources Go to Reports ( Periodic report) and click on the name of the report you want to open
Monitoring with EU-fin Use the pivot tool to define every possible overview 4 categories: Go to: ‘Reports – Analyses' and click on the name of the report you want to open‘Reports – Analyses' Whole duration Per period Budget & costs 12 Person month 34
The following window will open: Monitoring with EU-fin In the left column the parameters are shown, in the right column you can define the location of this parameter in the overview.
Monitoring with EU-fin Select the location of the parameters in the overview (see right for an example). Click to generate the overview.
The overview can be adjusted in many possible ways and the numbers will automatically be updated. Drag parameters to other locations (From row to column, etc) Hide parameters (right click on the label) Select which values of a parameter are shown (for example only year 1) The overview can be exported to Excel or Pdf For a extensive overview of all reports and pivottables and how to use these, check the manual ‘monitoring with EU-fin’ at the log-in pagelog-in page
When al the steps in this manual are done, EU-fin is set-up completely. Check the log-in page of the EU-fin coordinator menu for more manuals and instructionlog-in End of setting up