USF-I Equal Opportunity Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (EO/SHARP) Command Brief for ROCKS February
To provide an overview on the USF-I Equal Opportunity and Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention Program (SHARP) in Iraq. RESPOND Identified Trained Responders PROVIDE RELIEF Complaint Process Victim Support Resolution PREVENT Training Awareness Purpose 2
Discussion Questions 5W’s Who is responsible for EO/SHARP? What is EO/SHARP? Where is EO/SHARP implemented? When is EO/SHARP utilized? Why is EO/SHARP important? 3
USF-I EO/SHARP Organizational Chart LTG Jacoby - Commander BG Bayer – Chief of Staff LTC Simpson – EO/SHARP PM SGM Newman – EO/SHARP SGM MSG Cossio – EO/SHARP OPS SFC Wakins - DSARC SFC Angle - EOA Total number of Sexual Assault Advocates in Iraq (assgn/req) Army DSARCS 113 /52 Army UVAs 357 /282 Navy DSARCS 0 NAVY UVAs 1 AF DSARCs 1 AF UVAs 10 USMC DSARCs 1 USMC UVAs 1 Total number of Equal Opportunity Advisors in Iraq (assgn/req) Army EOPMs 4/5 Army EOAs 45/47 Navy EOAs 1 at Bucca AF MEOs 1 at Balad USMC EOAs 2 at Fallujah Civilian EEO1 at Balad Contractor EEO1 at Victory WHO 6
7 U.S. ARMY EQUAL OPPORTUNITY POLICY Provide EO for military personnel, and their family members, both on and off post during duty and non-duty hours Create and sustain effective units by eliminating discriminatory behaviors or practices that undermine teamwork, mutual respect, loyalty, and shared sacrifice of the men and women of America’s Army WHAT
8 Race: Transmissible by descent Religion: Views characterized by ardor or faith Gender: Male or Female National Origin: Place of origin; physical, cultural linguistic characteristics Color: Variance of skin color (dark/light/pale/red/black/yellow/white THE FIVE BASES OF DISCRIMINATION WHAT
We are committed to the fair and equal treatment of our USF-I members and to supporting commanders in maintaining a work environment that sustains cohesion, discipline, and successful mission accomplishment of our Armed Forces and dedicated civilian workforce. We are focused on developing, directing, and sustaining a comprehensive Human Relations Readiness Program addressing Equal Opportunity, Dispute Resolution, and Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) in an effort to (1) ensure fair treatment of Service members and DoD civilians and contractors without regard to race, color, gender, religion, or national origin, (2) provide an environment free of unlawful discrimination and offensive behavior, (3) enhance unit effectiveness, (4) ensure positive human relations, (5) eliminate traits of a hostile work environment. USF-I Corps EO/SHARP Mission WHAT 9
SHARP Program USF-I theater goals are consistent with the DOD commitment to eliminate incidents of sexual assault through a program that centers on awareness, response, and prevention training and education, victim advocacy, response, reporting, and accountability. This is accomplished by – Creating a climate that minimizes sexual assault incidents. If an incident should occur, ensuring that victims and subjects are treated according to theater policy. Creating a climate that encourages victims to report incidents of sexual assault without fear. Establishing sexual assault response and prevention training and awareness programs to educate Service members. Ensuring sensitive and comprehensive treatment to restore victims’ health and well-being. Ensuring leaders understand their roles and responsibilities regarding sexual assault. Creating synergy with all first responders and commanders to ensure prevention, response, and advocacy. Adapting training and awareness campaigns to target “at risk” audiences. Closing the gap between services and other agencies sharing best practices and resources to better serve victims. Demanding disciplined reporting and accurate data throughout the battle space giving commander’s a “snap shot” of their unit/location’s posture. WHAT 10
11 TRAINING & FEEDBACK In-processing Requirement Equal Opportunity (Twice a year) POSH (Twice a year) CO2 (Quarterly, 2 hours) Feedback: Focus Groups, Command Climate Surveys, EO Surveys, Army Surveys & Questionnaires WHEN
12 FormalInformal Handled at lowest levelSame Strict timeline No suspense Reported to GCMCA/HQDADiscretionary 7279R w/ documentationMFR Mandatory written feedbackNo feedback 15-6 Investigation/Cdr’s InquiryOptional FORMAL AND INFORMAL COMPLAINTS COMPLAINTS WHY
JAN FEB MAR APR OCT Women’s History Month Black History Month Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday MAY Special Observance JUL AUG JUN NOV SEP DEC Women’s Equality Day Caribbean-American Heritage Month Days of Remembrance- Holocaust Native American Heritage Month Hispanic Heritage Month Asian-Pacific Islander Heritage Month Ethnic Observance Ethnic/Special Observances WHEN/WHY 13