EP Roles and Responsibilities for non legal advisers leading teams including lawyers. Michael Perkins TEP – Special Counsel
Has a primary professional discipline. In addition is the lead expert in the situation of the client and is an advocate for the client. Helps facilitate the client’s management of Relationship Capital Property (in a legal sense) Includes Financial Capital Family, Social and Personal Accountabilities Facilitates change and improvement in the client’s life Lead Adviser Role
What is the priority of the client now? Who is the client: the individual or the family group? Who owns the client? (the client???) What is the first deliverable? Initial contact
How much can I do myself? What do I need to outsource? What can I in-source? Is a collaborative approach to engagement appropriate? How do I retain control in the engagement? Rank priorities and risks
Identity – including territory. Family. Other key people. Property by form of ownership and management. Client objectives. Understand the situation
What is involved, client led advisory service or service product delivery? What internal resources are available to assist the adviser? What external skills do I need and where do I find them? Key Professional risks
How is your client concerned about: Personal and Family Representation and Succession. Family Continuity, Governance and Legacy. Wealth Preservation, Enhancement and Transfer. Business Ownership and Control. Financial Security and Compliance Key estate risks
Affairs Management By client For client Representation Wealth Preservation Wealth Transfer Management Succession Ownership Succession Legacy / Social and Community Contribution Propose Solutions
Appropriately qualified professionals e.g. those from the fields or professions of: Financial Planning Law Accounting Tax Trust & Estate Practice Family and Business Consulting Family Dynamics Management and Social science professionals Who implements the plan?
Bind professionals to a common goal. Focus on delivering change and results not just service products. Are amenable to service level agreements if work volume is sufficient. Must be driven by serving the vision and values, of the client. Must be built on clear communication and effective management plans for the engagement. EP Service Teams