Chairmans Assessment RP Meeting 19 April 2013 George Muellner Chairman of the Board
Vision The Air Force Association will be the premier professional military and aerospace education association in the nation – dedicated to dominant air, space and cyberspace power, a strong national defense, supporting the men and women of the United States Air Force, and world-class aerospace education
AFA Challenges Revenue Generation OMB/DOD Restrictions Travel Restrictions Sequestration impact on corporate partners AF-AFA Relationship Senior Leader / Staff MAJCOM / Field Membership Aging Limited recruiting of serving members and AF Civilians Unrealized benefit of AF Support Messages
AFA Challenges Field-Staff Relationship Direct Interaction Alignment on Programs MIS Support Education / Advocacy Programs Scholarship Programs TOY / Visions / CAP / AFROTC Support CyberPatriot Mitchell Institute AirPower Advocates Demand exceeds financial capacity
AFA Challenges Field Leadership Development Large Chapters dormant due to lack of leadership Little leadership depth in most chapters A few very strong chapters Field Engagement Critical AF / AFA Issues Airpower Advocacy AF Unit (Base/Unit/Detachment) engagement Communications – Internal Communications – External
AFA Challenges Fund-Raising Underperforming Missing large donors Limited leverage of 501C3 status Government Caps on Charitable Contributions Not meeting demand for Educate-Advocate- Support Programs Financial Health
Opportunities Leverage AF Senior Leadership Support Reestablish local connections Become wingman with local units More visibly carry the Airpower / AF Message Alignment with Senior Leader Messages Formative period for Airpower and Air Force Challenges of Personnel needs vs National Security needs (Tuition Assistance, RPA medal) Personnel / Family Programs Wounded Airmen Program Transition Program Spouse Scholarships
Opportunities Expand Corporate Partnerships to smaller and non- traditional companies Multi-tiered partners Access to leadership at the right level CyberPatriot provides in-road to Cyber/IT Community Expand partnerships with CAP, ROTC, Professional Engineering Societies, Boys and Girls Club … AFA Museum Initiative with CAP CyberPatriot with Boys and Girls Club Rocket Competition with American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Leverage 501c3 Status
Another reason for our success is the caliber of the Associations elected officials at every level. Thousands of men and women who are recognized leaders in their communities, in industry, education, journalism, the arts and sciences, have given of their time unstintingly – not for personal gain but for the well being of the country. From the start, it has been a grass- roots organization, supported by a thoroughly professional and dedicated staff in Washington. James H. Doolittle
Summary The next few years is a formative period for the Air Force and the Air Force Association The Air Force needs to tell the airpower story, develop influence and position itself for the future national security needs of the nation The Air Force Association needs to recapture the hearts and minds of serving members and position itself as the premier Professional Military and Aerospace Education Association Needs are well-aligned and provide us the basis for success