Academia Istropolitana Nova Independent educational institution established by the group of Slovak and foreign specialists in the year 1996.
AINova Vision The vision of AINova is to constantly promote values of democracy and civil society
AINova Mission AINova aims at raising competitiveness of the Slovak Republic and helping Slovakia meet the challenges of entry into the EU specifically by capacity building and human resource development; fostering an international dimension of education and research through networking and communication; offering specialised training programmes and consultancy, and takes part in applied research projects; organising both short-term and long-term educational activities for participants from the state sector, public sector and groups of professionals.
AINova Departments Built Heritage and Development Department European Affairs Department Professional Communication and English Department Information Center
Other Activities Consultancy Strategic Planning of Local Development Structural Funds & Other EU Funds Project Design & Management Applied Research Conferences and Seminars
Information Center (IC) IC was opened on November 24, Its opening is the result of successful cooperation and partnership between the Municipal Office in Svätý Jur and non-profit organisation AINova. The goal of the IC is to promote cultural and natural heritage values of the town and the Lesser Carpathian Region.
European Affairs Department Mgr. Lucia Bizoňová, Head of Department and Trainer * Mgr. Marta Jendeková, MA, Project Manager and Trainer * Mgr. Kata Cigánová, Project Manager and Trainer
The theme is covered by the following: Courses on European integration for state administration and self- governments Tailor maid courses for specified target groups (journalists, teachers, young people, political groups, entrepreneurs…) Slovak-Aid funded projects – transfer of the Slovak experience with EU membership to third countries Preparatory courses for candidates interested in employment in EU institutions Specialised language courses on EU terminology Participation of ES Dpt staff members in national and international activities of other organisations Conferences on EU topics European Affairs
Methodology of Flexible Learning E-learning as a progressive form of modern learning opens new possibilities in education. The mentioned form can be used in many different ways at all levels of formal education and also in life-long learning. The project Methodology of Flexible Learning – Systematic Solution for Life-Long Learning is besides the thematic issues (Environmental Protection & Environmental Education and European Integration) devoted to the methodology of flexible learning. In 2005 in cooperation with the partner’s institution Slovak E- academy the course curriculum (160 hours) was developed.
Sir Karl Popper Library Named after the well-known Austrian philosopher Opened in 1998 by Mrs. Gabrielle Matzner, Austrian Ambassador to the SR More than documents in the thematic fields taught at AINova
Contact Academia Istropolitana Nova Protredná 47/A Svaty Jur Slovakia Tel.: +421/2/ Fax: +421/2/