Risk Factors 1 National data – 60% of US population have at least 1 risk factor E. J. Prescott – 87% have 1 or more risk factors Low Risk = 54% Med Risk = 28%High Risk = 18% Average = 2.6 Goal = 70%
Major Diseases Employees Reported Health Risk Assessment Report - Summary 2
Top Behaviors for Planned Change Health Risk Assessment Report - Summary Fat/Chol Intake not included in HMRC risks 3
Advantage Health Portal Personal Health Assessment Incentive Management Behavior Change Campaigns/Challenges Pedometer Health Resources Tracking Tools Educational Programs
Benefits of Advantage Personalized – each person records their own information Health Coach has access to all records/data for use in coaching sessions Tracking tools all built in – no paper forms or chasing people for information for behavior change programs Challenges are all initiated through Advantage Educational workshops tied to challenges Surveys and evaluations are done online Accessible from any web browser
Health Coaching Personalized face-to-face coaching Coach has access to all employee information from Advantage Health Portal Telephonic coaching available between in person sessions Number of sessions determined by Wellness Score/Risk Factors High risk – 2 sessions/month Medium risk – 1 session/month Low risk – quarterly sessions Coaching sessions will be initiated with ALL employees unless they opt out
Introducing Melissa Naborowsky, RN Twenty years experience in health and fitness field included roles as emergency room nurse, hospice nurse and fitness professional. Education Bachelors Degree – Journalism University of Maine Associates Degree – Nursing York Technical College Certifications Wellcoaches – Currently enrolled
CONFIDENTIAL All information entered in Advantage and discussed with the Health Coach will be treated as strictly confidential, based on HIPAA guidelines The only individuals having access to the data are: AdvancingWellness staff No EJP employees or managers will have access to any individual data Confidential
Incentive Programs Tie participation/activities in wellness program to employee health care premium contribution for 2012 Incentive criteria for 2012: Complete Personal Health Assessment in Advantage Participation in coaching sessions Participation in local Wellness programs Dental visit PCP visit All tracking done in Advantage Portal
2011 Program Calendar MonthProgram or Activity FebruaryCommunication about 2011 programs & Advantage rollout, including incentive requirements Kickoff/training for Wellness Committee Melissa begins visits to each location, begins one- on-one coaching MarchRollout of Advantage Health Portal Personal Health Assessment in Advantage May – JuneTeam Pedometer Challenge Aug – SeptHealthy Eating Campaign Oct – DecWeight Management NovFlu Shots Great American Smoke Out DecemberCelebrate Success!
2011 Program Calendar 11 JFMAMJJASOND Wellness Committee Program Kickoff Health Newsletter Stairwell Campaign Vending Machines Physical Activity Healthy Eating Weight Management Know Your Numbers (Individuals) Flu Shots Health Coaching Program Management, Evaluation and Communications
Team EJP Wellness Committee
Local Wellness Representatives Act as Ambassadors to the Wellness Committee from the employees and vice versa. Receive training as needed to enable them to act as “Champions” at the local level. Offer support and encouragement at their Division as each new Wellness Campaign, Event or Educational Opportunity is announced. Model taking small strides toward being balanced and well. 13