Natural Bentonite Clay For Organic Personal Products
Before using, read, understand and comply with the information and precautions in the Material Safety Data Sheets, label and other product literature. The information presented herein, while not guaranteed, was prepared by technical personnel and, to the best of our knowledge and belief, is true and accurate as of the date hereof. No warranty, representation or guarantee, express or implied, is made regarding accuracy, performance, stability, reliability or use. This information is not intended to be all-inclusive, because the manner and conditions of use, handling, storage and other factors may involve other or additional safety or performance considerations. The user is responsible for determining the suitability of any material for a specific purpose and for adopting such safety precautions as may be required. R.T. Vanderbilt Company does not warrant the results to be obtained in using any material, and disclaims all liability with respect to the use, handling or further processing of any such material. No suggestion for use is intended as, and nothing herein shall be construed as, a recommendation to infringe any existing patent or to violate any federal, state or local law or regulation. Before viewing the following presentation, please be sure to read the usage statement:
Bentonite, a natural clay mineral, is listed as an approved ingredient in organic products as long as it is processed in a manner that meets the objectives of organic certification.
organic is produced specifically for use in organic personal products. The clay washing process used to produce is consistent with the processing principles for organic ingredients.
is produced to Magnesium Aluminum Silicate NF Type IA specifications and conforms to the requirements for Bentonite FCC. INCI name: Magnesium Aluminum Silicate
Stabilize Suspensions Perfect Emulsions Optimize Flow organic The organic formulator’s choice to:
A single crystal has a flake or platelet shape, one nanometer thick and up to several hundred nanometers across. Each platelet has negatively charged faces and a very slight positive charge on its edges. The net platelet charge is negative. 1 nm 100s nm
This net negative charge is balanced primarily by sodium ions. A single granule is composed of thousands of sandwiched platelets with sodium ions and a layer of water between each.
When and water are mixed, water penetrates between the platelets, forcing them further apart. The sodium ions begin to diffuse away from platelet faces.
Diffusion, the movement of cations from between platelets out into the water, and osmosis, the movement of water into the space between platelets, then promote delamination until platelets are completely separated.
Once the is hydrated (delaminated) the weakly positive platelet edges are attracted to the negatively charged platelet faces. A 3-dimensional colloidal structure forms.
This colloidal structure is valued for its ability to trap and segregate Solids, as in a suspension Oils, as in an emulsion Gases, as in a foam or mousse
THIXOTROPY : undisturbed, dispersions increase in viscosity over time. Under a constant shear rate they decrease in viscosity over time. PSEUDOPLASTICITY : increasing applied shear decreases viscosity. YIELD VALUE : a certain minimum force must be applied to start disrupting the structure. SHEAR RATE VISCOSITY rheology: three characteristics
The BEST dispersions are prepared in water that contains no other ingredients. More energy input gives quicker hydration. must be properly hydrated to provide the desired performance properties. Guidelines For Best Use The two guidelines are:
For best results, should be hydrated before other formula ingredients are added. Any materials present in the water when the clay is added will interfere with hydration and inhibit the formation of the desired colloidal structure.
The extent to which the clay particles are separated into individual platelets is the degree of hydration. The greater the degree of hydration, the stronger the colloidal structure, and the greater the viscosity and yield value of the dispersion.
The degree of hydration is directly proportional to the amount of energy imparted, and therefore increases in proportion to the following factors:
Any change in water temperature or mixer intensity (speed, propeller:vessel ratio) will affect the degree of hydration and the hydration time. Use the same water temperature, shear and mixing time to get the same viscosity and yield value every time. Another Guideline
Propeller Mixer: 800 rpm, 25 o C 800 rpm, 75 o C Homogenizer: 3000 rpm, 25 o C 3000 rpm, 75 o C 120 minutes 45 minutes 30 minutes 15 minutes The following guidelines for the minimum hydration time of illustrate the effect of shear rate and water temperature. Minimum Suggested Hydration Times
Stabilize Suspensions Perfect Emulsions Optimize Flow organic The organic formulator’s choice to: