Institute for Development Policies Florin Pasatoiu, policy and development adviser T: W:
ProgrameTargeted organizations CAFPublic authorities and local governments Standards for ParticipationPublic schools What CBP? Institutul pentru Politici de Dezvoltare- IPD Str. A.I Cuza, nr.13, Birou 410, tel./fax Institute for Development Policies Florin Pasatoiu, policy and development adviser T: W:
How? Institutul pentru Politici de Dezvoltare- IPD Str. A.I Cuza, nr.13, Birou 410, tel./fax Institute for Development Policies Florin Pasatoiu, policy and development adviser T: W: Integrated approach- not just knowledge transfer and competence build up; focusing on process & systems is part of the deal! There is no such thing as one shot event- we stay the course! Triangulation of data A messy process of back casting and forecasting (particularly via scenario workshops)
Going beyond the TC agenda! Misconception that organizations operate in an optimal environment There is no such prevailing modus operandi Challanges Institutul pentru Politici de Dezvoltare- IPD Str. A.I Cuza, nr.13, Birou 410, tel./fax Institute for Development Policies Florin Pasatoiu, policy and development adviser T: W:
Hardly any sustainability of CB interventions In house empowerment to lead to a degree of acceptance and commitment Challanges Institutul pentru Politici de Dezvoltare- IPD Str. A.I Cuza, nr.13, Birou 410, tel./fax Institute for Development Policies Florin Pasatoiu, policy and development adviser T: W:
Dealing with “Eastern universal mores” Fostering peer pressure Pushing on social accountability Lip service from public services The language! Challanges Institutul pentru Politici de Dezvoltare- IPD Str. A.I Cuza, nr.13, Birou 410, tel./fax Institute for Development Policies Florin Pasatoiu, policy and development adviser T: W: