By Sidney Zarnich and Roger Zhang
W HY O H W HY O H W HY ? Why do you want to abolish the first amendment? In the first amendment, it clearly states that the Congress cannot make any laws that mess with freedom of speech, religion, the press, or the right to petition the government. Well, you're messin’ with it now! The people are mad. Raging mad! Furious! Do you think the 1 st amendment deserves to be eliminated? I think NOT!! We need to have a talk with you, Congress.
I F Y OU A BOLISHED T HIS A MENDMENT … … Nobody would have freedom of speech, nobody could speak their minds or tell the truth. …Nobody would have freedom of religion and no one would be able to go to church. …Nobody would have freedom of the press, and newspapers that weren’t approved would never exist, and all the news channels would be gone.
F REEDOM OF S PEECH Freedom of Speech is one thing everyone needs! Freedom of Speech is important because nobody could voice their opinions, and then if no one could do that, America would be a not-so-nice place like countries that don’t have a democracy. I want freedom of speech! Me too! I agree. I’m gonna beat you up if you abolish this right! Stupid Congress. Why oh why? Whatever happened to FREEDOM?
F REEDOM O F S PEECH, ONCE AGAIN If you don’t have democracy, when things involving government come up, the Government decides, and the people have no part in it at all. Do you really want that? Huh? Huh? ‘Fess up, Congress. You don’t want to eliminate this right!!! (If you do, your brain is most likely in a malfunction. Or else you might need to see a therapist. Please contact your doctor immediately.)
F REEDOM OF R ELIGION Different people of different religions have their own beliefs, their own way to worship, and their own holidays. People would be mad if they couldn't go to church or anything. Too bad if you think, “We're the Congress. We’re ultimate. We rule! Everyone else are our weak little minions.” You are WRONG, Congress people!
F REEDOM OF THE P RESS : N EWSPAPERS If newspapers didn’t have the right to say what they wanted, people would never know the news! Newspapers, take the AJC (Atlanta Journal Constitution) for instance, if we didn’t have freedom of the press, the AJC could never explain ANYTHING and newspapers would be so boring, we’d all fall asleep because they would all be the same. Boring. Everything's the same since congress took away freedom of the press.
F REEDOM OF THE PRESS : N EWS C HANNELS News Channels. The 6 o’clock news. The 5 o’ clock news. The 4 o’ clock news! All gone! Dead! Zippo! Poof! Vanished in a puff of smoke! The news channels are crucial so we can know what’s happening. If you abolish and demolish this amendment, Congress people, you won’t know anything about what’s going on! And, even if you allow news channels, they would be boring and dull, just like the newspapers.
F REEDOM T O P ETITION T HE G OVERNMENT The freedom to petition the government is a really important freedom. If you took away that freedom, what we are doing now would be illegal. If we couldn’t petition, the Congress would rule us like a king, and we left that all behind in 1781, when we won independence from the British. TO BE CONTINUED…….
F REEDOM TO PETITION THE GOVERNMENT … CONTINUED So now if you, Congress, take away that freedom, it would be like we had fought and won that war all for nothing. What do you think of that? No freedom. Contemplate all this. Consider your thoughts. Do YOU want freedom? Do you want to go back almost 300 years ago, and live like they did then, being ruled by an evil king? NO. If we go back now, we haven’t made any progress since the day we were ruled by a king.
Our smiles will be erased forever. Or at least until you put the first amendment back in the Constitution.
T HIS IS THE SLIDE WHERE THE CONGRESS AGREES WITH US … And puts the wonderful first amendment in the constitution!!! And now we shall…. All those Congressmen are in there!!