Gas-Lift Recommended Practices Proposals for Additional Documents API RP 11V Gas-Lift Recommended Practices Proposals for Additional Documents
Standard Gas-Lift Symbols and Abbreviations. API RP 11V11 Standard Gas-Lift Symbols and Abbreviations. It is very clear that currently there is not a standard list (or understanding) of important gas-lift symbols and abbreviations. Each author (and each company to some degree) seems to choose the symbols they want. This leads to much duplication, overlap, confusion, and mis-understanding. The idea here would be to produce a short RP to contain a standard set of gas-lift nomenclature, terms, symbols, and abbreviations. It would contain a very carefully worded explanation of each symbol and/or abbreviation. Where pertinent, it would contain equations to show how each symbol or abbreviation is used and/or derived. Votes For: Votes Against: Volunteers:
Recommended Practice for Gas-Lift Automation API RP 11V12 Recommended Practice for Gas-Lift Automation This was "on the table" at the last Gas-Lift Workshop in February 2002, but was deferred in favor of intermittent and dual gas-lift. But, it remains high priority. And, every time we talk about it at one of the workshops, or in other forums, there are always questions about: why to automate?, what to automate?, how to automate?, what benefits to expect?, etc. Several companies - both Operating Companies and Service/Supply Companies - are doing a lot of work in this area. Many of the "users" or "potential users" are understandably confused. It is time for an RP to address this area. Votes For: Votes Against: Volunteers:
Recommended Practice for Selection of Artificial Lift Systems. API RP 11V13 Recommended Practice for Selection of Artificial Lift Systems. This is also a topic that comes up over and over again. There are some good papers in the literature on this, but no consolidated, definitive reference guide. This could be done just for gas-lift (comparing continuous gas-lift, intermittent gas-lift, chamber gas-lift, plunger gas-lift, etc.) or it could be done on a larger scale (which I would prefer) to compare all forms of artificial lift. It should address such things as: selection of candidate wells, selection of candidate artificial lift systems, strengths, weaknesses, costs, benefits, operational issues, cultural issues, etc. Votes For: Votes Against: Volunteers: