A tradition of excellence TR-824 REV / Restricted Proprietary Information. Marvin Group proprietary rights are included in the information disclosed herein. Recipient by accepting this document agrees that neither this document, nor the information disclosed herein, nor any part thereof shall be reproduced or transferred to other documents or used or disclosed to others for manufacturing or for any other purpose except as specifically authorized by Marvin Engineering. The 5 Whys: A Practical Example January 21, 2014
TR-824 REV / - 01/21/2014 © The Marvin Group 2013 PAGE 2 Example Illustrated The Missing Countersink PN Countersink Should be condition Countersink Missing What supplier delivered
TR-824 REV / - 01/21/2014 © The Marvin Group 2013 PAGE 3 Example Illustrated PN Purchase Order Requirement: C’sink dia:.409” +/ ” The Missing Countersink
TR-824 REV / - 01/21/2014 © The Marvin Group 2013 PAGE 4 Five Whys Leg One Countersink missing from part Drill press operator didn’t add countersink Job Traveler was missing instructions for countersink Planning lacked instructions for countersink Engineer Overlooked requirement for countersink on PO Suggest what the next Why might be Suggest the next Why Suggest the next Why Suggest the next Why Suggest the next Why There is No Defined process for creating planning Suggest the next Why Suggest the next Why Engineer was going by memory of similar part without a countersink Suggest the next Why Suggest the next Why
TR-824 REV / - 01/21/2014 © The Marvin Group 2013 PAGE 5 Five Whys Leg One Countersink missing from part Drill press operator didn’t add countersink Job Traveler was missing instructions for countersink Planning lacked instructions for countersink Engineer overlooked requirement for countersink on PO Engineer was going by memory of similar part without a countersink Create process for writing planning Add countersink instructions to job Add countersink instructions to planning Provide additional training to follow PO’s There is No Defined process for creating planning
TR-824 REV / - 01/21/2014 © The Marvin Group 2013 PAGE Why Leg Two Inspection process did not detect error on the part or in the planning Provide additional training Inspectors haven’t been trained to inspect to the drawing Inspector checked the part against the job but not the drawing There is no inspection plan with such a requirement Create an inspection plan
TR-824 REV / - 01/21/2014 © The Marvin Group 2013 PAGE Why Leg Two Inspection process did not detect error in the planning There is no requirement for QA to review new or updated planning The Planning wasn’t reviewed by Quality Assurance There is no defined process for QA review of planning Create a planning review process to include QA
TR-824 REV / - 01/21/2014 © The Marvin Group 2013 PAGE 8 Questions? 5 Whys – A Practical Example