OBJECTIVES Differentiate the form of delivering technical assistance by the RO and DO before and what is now required by the DepEd; Explain the need for delivering technical assistance; Explain the Technical Assistance Mechanism process framework; and Demonstrate skills in analyzing TA needs from a given set of issues and concerns.
Activity 1. Recall one significant experience in providing Technical Assistance to schools or school heads that you felt very satisfied with and why. Share this with your colleagues in your regional/division group.
QUESTIONS What are the commonalities among your experiences ? What are the major reasons that made you feel satisfied with your experience ? Is there anything about Technical Assistance that you want to be clarified ?
TA Expected from the Regions Stakeholders networking, stakeholders mobilization Development of standards and indicators of progress, impacts and processes Supervision by Monitoring and Evaluation of regional Standards and learning outcomes BESRA PIP 2006
TA Expected from the Regions Technical Assistance through training, performance evaluation, and accreditation process Decentralization of functions and budgets in terms of localization, integration of plans and best practices Ensuring that all programs & projects of DepEd is managed and supported by the divisions (eg. SBM) BESRA PIP 2006
TA Expected from the Divisions Stakeholders networking ,i. e. organization of SGC, revitalization of LSB Stakeholders mobilization and resource generation School-based resource management and installation of finance and administrative systems BESRA PIP 2006
TA Expected from the Divisions Technical guidance by Division Superintendents and supervision by division education/subject specialists Development of standards and indicators of progress, impacts and processes Ensuring SBM is continuously being practiced in schools. BESRA PIP 2006
TA Expected from the Divisions Training programs for school heads and Teachers Procurement of textbooks through Division Annual Procurement Plan based on school’s procurement plans BESRA PIP 2006
Activity 2. Group Activity (TA GAME) What comes to your mind when you hear or read the phrase Technical Assistance? Give as many answers as you can. Write your answers on the colored meta-sheets provided per group Do not repeat an answer. The group that repeats an answer earns a (-1) point. The group that can provide the most number of correct answers wins the game
Questions : What about TA ? Why conduct TA? Who conducts TA? When to conduct TA? How to conduct TA ?
What is Technical Assistance (TA)? TA is any form of professional help TA is a process TA is a journey TA aims for client’s improvement
What is Technical Assistance (TA)? Any form of professional help, guidance or support For “ others” to be more effective in the performance of their functions
Who are these “ others” ? For the RO - Schools Divisions For the DO – Schools & Learning Centers
What is Technical Assistance (TA)? As an active process - With steps to follow; makes use of tools Via process consultation Requires specific skills Focuses on achieving set goals
What is Technical Assistance (TA)? As a journey - Reminding the clients of their prime responsibility and accountability Respecting their capability and pace Providing alternatives Leaving decision-making into the hands of the clients
Why conduct Technical Assistance? TA is conducted to help : Solve problems Improve performance Get results Gather data to inform policy formulation
Guiding Principles of Technical Assistance Each organization is responsible for its own growth and development. Technical assistance is aligned with the organization’s vision and mission and is based on the organization’s needs. Learning is a cooperative and collaborative process.
TYPES OF TA Direct sharing of expertise Providing information where to secure what the client needs
MODES OF PROVIDING TA Information Sharing Policies Guidelines Directions Instructions Via – conferences, Memorandum, DepEd Orders, Referrals, etc…
MODES OF PROVIDING TA 2. Capability Building – via . . . Training Workshops Coaching/Mentoring Seminars of Conferences Job Aids
MODES OF PROVIDING TA 3. Help in group & Work Management Coaching Workshops
AREAS OF TA 3. A Work Management Coaching, Workshops on : Planning the work Standards setting Monitoring implementation Assessing & adjusting implementation Evaluating Work Accomplishment
AREAS OF TA 3. B Group Management Coaching, Workshops on : Giving of assignments Building & sustaining teams Monitoring work and time utilization Managing performance of people
SKILLS IN PROVIDING TA Facilitation skills Giving feedback skills Coaching skills Monitoring and analysis skills of TA Progress Summative evaluation of Providing TA
STAGES IN PROVIDING TA AGENDA Identifying TA agenda Identifying TA intervention Performance contracting TA planning TA implementation/Monitoring/Feedback/Adjustment TA Results Evaluation
IN SUMMARY : Always come prepared with data when providing TA Accomplish a performance contact between the client and the TA provider Develop the TA plan based on the consolidated performance contracts with individual target clients Treat clients according to their needs – from planning, to monitoring and evaluating.
Successful people have at least one thing in common Successful people have at least one thing in common. . . Somewhere , somehow, someone cared for their growth and development - Miller
Thank you!