Technical Committee Restructuring: Sequence of Events 1.(Urgent, needed immediately) TC leadership drafts overall goals and scope of each TC, i.e. division of responsibilities within HITSP overall scope 1.Project team provides the format for documentation, including communication plan 2.Clarification of processes including leadership transfers from current TCs to new TCs 2.Each TC membership drafts new/revised terms of reference for the TC 1.Purpose, Goals and Objectives 2.Scope, including in-scope and out-of-scope items 3.Timeline and Deliverables 4.Identification and description of workgroups within TCs 5.Identification of cross-TC interdependencies 6.Detailed transition plans within the TC, including any leadership changes 3.Consolidation of individual TC plans by TC leadership 4.Full TC membership approves overall plan 5.TC leadership presents plan to HITSP Board
Technical Committee Restructuring Draft Plan Transition is to be completed prior to release of 2008 final use cases Care Delivery TC becomes the Provider Perspective TC Population Health TC becomes the Population Perspective TC Consumer TC becomes the Consumer Perspective TC Security & Privacy TC becomes the Infrastructure, Security & Privacy Domain TC New Care Management & Health Records Domain TC is formed New Financial & Administrative Domain TC is formed All constructs below the IS level transfer from current TCs to Domain TCs Perspective TCs develop new workplans for all use cases, ISs, RDSSs Domain TCs develop new workplans for all constructs –Current constructs –New constructs –Roadmap standards constructs Internal and external communications plan input from each TC and workgroup
Approved Restructuring Plan Care Management and Health Records Technical Committee Infrastructure, Security and Privacy Technical Committee Administrative and Financial Technical Committee Modeling Messaging and Datatypes Terminology And Knowledge Representation Workflow and Process Use Case Consumer Perspective TC Provider Perspective TC Population Perspective TC Security & Privacy Domain Technical Committees (All other constructs) Foundations Committee Perspective Technical Committees (IS, RDSS) - TC Leadership Oversight - Communications function