Global TV
Divergent Paths US: commercial, private broadcasting UK: public (BBC, 1927)
US Dominance As in film, US TV finds global audience post- WWII McLuhan’s “global village” (1960s)
“Media event” Seen by estimated 530 million people (1969)
Compare to M*A*S*H* finale (1983) w/ 125 million viewers
The Dallas Study Aired from Elihu Katz and Tamar Liebes, The Export of Meaning (1990) Coding and decoding
American Influence amid Global Diversity National TV cultures – Telenovelas (similar to soap operas) – British sitcoms and dramas
A New Public Sphere? Proliferation of private/satellite networks Vs. traditional state control – Aaj and Geo in Pakistan – Al Jazeera in Qatar