5 th Grade Math Pacing Guide Use this information simply as a guideline. Adjust the pace to meet the needs of your students. Feel free to carry over to the next six weeks any skills not yet mastered, OR go ahead to skills listed in the upcoming six weeks if your students are ready to move on. While the textbook suggests one lesson a day, easier lessons at the beginning of the year may need to be combined or embedded when appropriate in order to free up time for review before TCAP. The State anticipates TCAP to be administered in the 6 th six weeks.
TNCore Focus Standards Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions. Apply and extend previous understanding of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions. Dropped from the TCAP: SPI , SPI , SPI , SPI , SPI
1 st Six Weeks (Combine lessons when appropriate.) Lessons: (review lesson: 1.5) TN (review lessons: 2.1 and 2.5; prepare lesson: 2.3) (review lessons: 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5) (prepare lesson: 4.1) TN *4.8 *TN Dropped from the TCAP: SPI , SPI , SPI , SPI , SPI *Note: SPI dropped for (Lesson 4.8 and TN Handbook: pg. TN8, TN21)
2 nd Six Weeks Lessons: TN TN (prepare lessons: 6.4, 6.5) Dropped from the TCAP: SPI , SPI , SPI , SPI , SPI
3 rd Six Weeks Lessons: 8.1-*8.6 (review lessons: 8.1,8.3, 8.4, 8.5) (review lessons: 9.1, 9.3,9.7) Dropped from the TCAP: SPI , SPI , SPI , SPI , SPI *Note: SPI dropped for (Lesson 8.6 and TN Handbook: pg. TN25)
4 th Six Weeks Lessons: 10.1 TN (extend:10.2) TN *12.1 TN-8 TN , 12.6 (prepare: 12.3; review 12.4) * TN Tn Dropped from the TCAP: SPI , SPI , SPI , SPI , SPI *Note: SPI dropped for (Lesson 13.2 and TN Handbook: pg. TN57) SPI dropped for (Lesson 12.1 and TN Handbook: pg. TN55)
5 th Six Weeks Lessons: TN (extend lesson: 17.3) TN (review lesson) Dropped from the TCAP: SPI , SPI , SPI , SPI , SPI
6 th Six Weeks April 13 – May 25 Pre TCAP: 18.1 TN-14 TN-15 *18.2-* TN *20.3 Tennessee Handbook Post TCAP: (all are prepare lessons) (all are prepare lessons) 12.7 (prepare lesson) (all are prepare lessons) 17.4 (prepare lesson) (all are prepare lessons) (all are prepare lessons) 19.6 (prepare lesson) (all are prepare lessons) 20.4 (prepare lesson) Dropped from the TCAP: SPI , SPI , SPI , SPI , SPI *Note: SPI dropped for (Lesson 18.2, 18.3, 20.3 and TN Handbook: pg. TN62, TN63)