“I Can” Learning Targets 5 th Grade Math 4th Six Weeks
Lessons: 10.1 TN (extend:10.2) TN *12.1 TN-8 TN , 12.6 (prepare: 12.3; review 12.4) * TN Tn Dropped from the TCAP: SPI , SPI , SPI , SPI , SPI *Note: SPI dropped for (Lesson 13.2 and TN Handbook: pg. TN57) SPI dropped for (Lesson 12.1 and TN Handbook: pg. TN55)
TNCore Focus Standards Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions. Apply and extend previous understanding of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions. Dropped from the TCAP: SPI , SPI , SPI , SPI , SPI
“I Can” Lessons I can add and subtract mixed numbers. I can solve addition and subtraction problems involving fractions. I can use trial and error to solve problems. I can use models, benchmarks, and equivalent numbers to add and subtract fractions. I can justify my answer. I can describe the meaning of… model justify I can add and subtract fractions with like denominators. I can find least common multiple of two whole numbers. I can add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators. Note: Use TN-6 after lesson 10.1; Use TN-7 after lesson 10.6—see next slide.
“I Can” Lesson TN-6; TN-7 I can estimate the answer when I add and subtract fractions. I can use models to help me estimate the answer when I’m adding or subtracting fractions. I can check my answer to make sure it is reasonable. I can describe the meaning of … Order of Operation Variable I can understand and use order of operation. I can use order of operation to help me find an unknown value in a problem. I can use order of operation to help me solve decimal and fraction problems that include unknown values. Note: Use TN-6 after lesson 10.1; Use TN-7 after lesson 10.6.
“I Can” Lesson 11.1 I can multiply fractions and whole numbers. I can tell someone about my answer, and I can use numbers to show my answer. I can show or explain my answer even when it contains mixed numbers, fractions, or units. I can multiple fractions. Lessons are scheduled after TCAP…see pg. T141, TN Teacher’s Program Overview.
“I Can” Lesson * I can describe the meaning of… formula variable Solution parallelograms I can use fractions to show a reasonable answer to a measurement problem. I can divide irregular shapes to help me find perimeter and area. I can understand, select and use the correct unit when measuring angles, lengths/distances, area, surface area or volume. I can solve problems involving area and/or perimeter of rectangles. I can solve word problems that require finding the area of triangles and parallelograms. Note: Use TN-8 and TN-9 after lesson 12.1…see next slide. *Note: SPI dropped for (Lesson 12.1 and TN Handbook: pg. TN55)
“I Can” Lessons TN-8, TN-9 I understand the usefulness of approximations. I can recognize that measurements are never exact. I can describe the meaning of “significant digits”. I can use significant digits to tell how accurate my measurement is. Note: Use TN-8 and TN-9 after lesson 12.1.
“I Can” Lessons 12.8 I can guess the answer to a problem about geometric shapes then test to find out if my guess is true or not. I can test to find out if someone else’s answer to a problem about geometric properties is true or not. I can justify my answer by explaining why it is true. Lesson 12.7 is scheduled after TCAP…see pg. T141, TN Teacher’s Program Overview.
“I Can” Lessons 13.1, * I can describe the meaning of… *Edge *Volume *View *Surface Area *Polyhedral Solids *Prism *Model I understand and can use various views and nets to help me build, draw, and work with prisms. I can justify my answer by explaining why it is true. I can match a 3-dimensional object to its 2-dimensional shape and visa versa. I can solve to find the surface area and volume of rectangular prisms and polyhedral solids. I can divide irregular shapes to help me find perimeter and area. I can test to find out if the answer to a problem about geometric properties is true or not. Note: Use TN-10 after lesson 13.4; Use TN-11 after lesson see next slide. *Note: SPI dropped for (Lesson 13.2 and TN Handbook: pg. TN57)
“I Can” Lessons TN-10; TN-11 I can describe the meaning of… Edge Regular (Platonic) solid I can describe and identify the five Platonic solids. I can describe and identify the prosperities of Platonic solids such as the number and shape of faces and the number of edges and vertices. Note: Use TN-10 after lesson 13.4; Use TN-11 after lesson 13.6.