Common Scents Basics on Essential Oils Simple-Powerful-Effective
WHAT IS AN ESSENTIAL OIL? Plants contain complex and powerful substances known as essential oils. These are aromatic liquids derived from shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds. These distinctive components defend plants from insects, harsh environmental conditions, and dis-ease. They are also vital for a plant to grow, live, evolve, and adapt to its surrounding. Referred to as the essence of the plant, pure essential oils not only protect the plant, but also determine its aroma.
Why do Essential Oils work? The complex chemistry of essential oils makes them ideal for killing and preventing the spread of bacteria, virus and other microorganisms as they have a difficult time mutating in the presence of so many different antiseptic compounds. At the same time the oils are harmless to the tissues of the body, therefore, creating a harmonious win-win for the body and its defenses! Any given oil may contain anywhere from or different chemical constituents. These active ingredients are what create these powerful actions.
Consider this fact: A single drop of an essential oil has 40 quin trillion tiny molecules. That’s 40,000,000,000,000,000,000, in case you were wondering. That number is so high that one drop of an essential oil is enough to cover every cell of your body with 40,000 molecules. So, when you use the right essential oils, you have an entire army of therapeutic agents working on behalf of your cells.
The healing parts of herbs is found in its essential oils. But when herbal teas and supplements are made, they lose 95-97% of the essential oils. This is significant because it means you are losing most of the healing properties in that herbal remedy.
Know the Source Young Living’s 4 P’s P lants An oil’s potency can be affected not only by selecting the proper plant to cultivate, but also by where the plant is grown, the quality of soil in which the seed is planted, and even the time of day it’s harvested. Only those plants that produce the most active and widest array of therapeutic compounds are selected. P reparation YL uses a gentle, proprietary technique for steam-extracting the most potent essential oils, which remains unmatched across the essential oils industry. To meet YLTG distillation standards, proper temperature must be maintained throughout the distillation process, and pressure, length of time, equipment, and batch size are strictly monitored. YLTG standards prohibit the acceptance of any diluted, cut, or adulterated oils. P urity Every batch of essential oils is subjected to rigorous, state-of-the-art analysis at the YL chemistry lab. Using some of the most advanced equipment in the world, our scientists subject every batch of essential oils to Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometer testing. Oils that exhibit even the slightest hint of possible adulteration or tampering are rejected. P otency The culmination of the preceding three stages: Potency means that the naturally occurring compounds contained in each essential oil product are of the highest and most consistent bioactive levels. Without strict adherence to the YLTG standard in the Plants, Preparation, and Purity phases, the final product would not have the necessary potency to create the desired effect.
Example of Adulturation In 2008 Provance, France a leading grower of Lavender oil produced 15 tons of lavender but exported 250 tons of Lavender! 16 times more than produced! This is possible because the lavender was adulterated with synthetic or other chemical derivatives thereby compromising nature’s healing properties. --Kurt Schnaubelt, a world leader in research of essential oils and founder and science director of Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy
Singles Single Essential oils (Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint) A single oil refers to an individual essential oil distilled from a plant, root, seeds, tree or shrub for its unique smell, taste, and/or medicinal properties. Each essential oil has a complex set of compounds and active ingredients that make it unique from another plant. These active ingredients are what gives an oil its distinctive aromatic qualities as well as its medicinal properties.
LAVENDER (Lavandula angustifolia) Key Constituants : Extraction Method: Steam distilled from flowering top Linalyl Acetate (24-45%) Linalol (25-38%) Cis-beta Ocimene (4-10%) Trans-beta Ocimene (1.5-6%) Terpinene-4-ol (2-6%) ORAC: 360 µTE/100g Medical Properties: Antiseptic, Antifungal Antitumoral, Anticonvulsant Anti-inflammatory Analgesic Vasodilating Relaxant Reduces blood fat/cholesterol Combats excess sebum on skin Fragrant Influence: Calming, relaxing and balancing
PEPPERMINT (Mentha piperita) Key Constituents: Extraction Method: Steam distilled from leaves, stems & flower buds. Menthol (34-44%) Menthone (12-20%) Menthofurane (4-9%) 1.8 Cineol (Eucalyptol) (2-5%) Pulegone (2-5%) Menthyl Acetate (4-10%) ORAC: 37,300 µTE/100g Medical Properties: Anti-inflammatory Antitumoral Antiparasitic, Antifungal Antibacterial, antiviral Gallbladder/digestive stimulant Pain-reliever Curbs appetite Fragrant Influence: Purifying and stimulating to the conscious mind.
LEMON (Citrus limon) Key Constituents: Limonene (59-73%) Gamma-Terpinene (6-12%) Beta-Pinene (7-16%) Alpha-Pinene (1.5-3%) Sabinene (1.5-3%) Medicinal Properties Antitumoral Antiseptic Improved memory Relaxation Rich in limonene, which has been extensively studied for its ability to combat tumor growth in over 50 clinical studies
Adults vs. Children Differences in Application of Essential Oils ADULTS (see pg 10 User Guide) Skin type independent sensitivity to oils that may cause skin irritation (e.g. peppermint) Neat application (see chart on pg. 8-9) Caution with some adults who may have toxic exposure (e.g. smokers or industrial chemicals) may have rashes or apparent “allergic reactions” to E.O. Application—Go slow…..Drink lots of water! Dilution when necessary Internal, external, inhalation CHILDREN Sensitive skin consult with a Health Practitioner before applying red drop oils (see chart pg 8-9) Dilution almost always necessary Be sure to leave the reducer orifice (in the bottle opening)to prevent a small child from accidently swallowing large amounts of essential oil Inhalation and external Less is more with children
Basics of Essential Oil Application Make a cup of aromatic tea Inhalation—Open bottle-- enjoy! Choose an oil based on reason Choose and oil based on intuition Discover if the oil you choose to put on yourself needs dilution by using an Application Chart (see pg 6) of User’s Guide Demonstrate how to use an Essential Oil Atomizer to diffuse oils in the air Make bath salts Demonstrate application to the feet and neck with V-6 mixing oil Demonstrate making a capsule of essential oils
SAFETY REMINDER The information given in this class is intended for wellness purposes only and is not intended to treat or diagnose any disease. If you have questions about contraindications with your existing treatment plan (e.g. medications or use while pregnant), you should always consult your physician before beginning any healthcare program or essential oil application. Please refer to the Essential Oil Desk Reference or User’s Guide for further information.
Young Living Resources and Supplies 1) YL Virtual Office Website: 2) The 5 th Edition Essential Oil Desk Reference 3) Abundant Health , Website: 4) Sound Concepts , Website: 5) Life Science Publishing– , Website: 6) TRAX Audio – (Learning/Training CD’s) 7) Raindrop Directory: 8) Testimonial Website: 9 Local Classes: