Hey End7 Students! At End7 at UT, we’ve had the awesome privilege of founding the first organization on our campus dedicated to raising awareness and funds to fight the spread of 7 Neglected Tropical Diseases. Our events have included general student meetings, holiday-themed fundraisers, tabling, bake sales, and the like which are detailed below. What we’d really like to do now is improve on our outreach and communication to other End7 student-lead organizations around the nation! We believe that brainstorming together can help all of us achieve our individual goals in our communities as well as our unifying goal of eliminating these 7 NTDs by the year 2020! Below I’ve provided a description of each event we’ve hosted thus far, as well as links to our website which describe each fundraiser in greater detail! We’d love for you to share with us your thoughts on what we’ve done, as well ideas that you have to engage students in your respective campuses! You can contact me personally through my , or can our organization at Feel free to Facebook message myself or End7 at Jacob Jordan Social Marketing and Communications Director | End7 at UT END7 STUDENTS
Our website was created using a Highland Theme Wordpress account. Website information includes: Home Page with a “news feed” of posts we create Link to Donation page Informational pages such as: “What are NTDs?”, a general description of Neglected Tropical Diseases with clickable pictures of each NTD, taking you to a more detailed page on that specific NTD “Take Action”, a description of how students and others can get involved in the fight on NTDs “End7 Making a Difference”, a reference page to catalog all of our accomplishments and events our org has had, as well as accomplishments of End7 global An Exec Board Page with our pictures to give a face to the names of those leading our group Mission Statement page With access to Sabin Vaccine Institute 2012 Financial Report Social Media Links: Facebook Instagram Twitter Pinterest YouTube Other Media Links: Sabin Vaccine Institute Global Health Network End the Neglect Blog World Health Organization Contact Info WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT
ut/ ut/ On October 1, 2013, Dr.Peter Hotez, one of the founding members of End7, came to Austin to speak on “The Rise of Neglected Tropical Diseases and Poverty in Developing Countries and the Southern United States”. We were incredibly excited to attend this! We raised awareness for it via social media and invited as many people as we could to come join us! Afterwards we had the opportunity to eat dinner with Dr.Hotez and discuss his future plans for the organization! AUSTIN SCIENCE FORUM
On Giving Tuesday, the week after Black Friday, we hosted a wishing well event in which we invited students to write something they wished for on our life-size chalkboard End7 letters (homemade). While they were writing, we talked to them about our cause, and how for only $0.50 they could save a child’s lives! We encouraged (but didn’t require) them to throw spare change and $1s in our wishing well, which was just a blow-up kitty pool. The event was largely successful as we raised $157 from spare change of students and raised awareness in countless others! END7 AT UT WISHING WELL: #GIVINGTUESDAY
Every couple of weeks or so, we host tabling events where we stand outside near a heavily trafficked part of campus with our End7 tri- fold, buttons, and flyers set out. As students pass by we offer free buttons and flyers and talk to them about our cause. We keep a sign-up sheet nearby for them to write their s on if they are interested. This event doesn’t raise money but is a great way to spread awareness! END7 TABLING
On Wednesday, March 5 th 2014, we had our “Dirt for Dessert” Fundraiser. In this event we sold “dirt” cups, made of chocolate pudding, crushed Oreos, and gummy worms, by donation. We also had our End7 Chalkboard letters out, asking students to write down their tropical (or not so tropical) Spring Break plans. While they are writing/ eating we talk to them about our cause, where NTDs are most prevalent, how NTDs are contracted, and how students can get help! We raised $143 from this event fundraiser/ fundraiser/ DIRT FOR DESSERT FUNDRAISER
Shortly after Valentine’s Day this year, we hosted a “Love for NTDs” Event in which we again brought out our big END7 Chalkboard letters. This time we asked students to write something that they loved on our chalkboard. While they did this we spoke to them about what NTDs are, who they effect, and how they can help. We sold baked goods (cookies, brownies, cupcakes, etc.) for $0.50 each as well as accepted donations. The big chalkboard letters really grabbed a lot of attention and was popular among students! We raised $133 in the few hours that we did this event. VALENTINE’S DAY: LOVE FOR NTDS FUNDRAISER:
Social Media is a major part of our awareness campaign. We try to have at least 1 post per day spreading awareness on global issues or our own upcoming fundraisers. Facebook is our most seen social media account; however, we also have an Instagram, Pinterest, and twitter. We use Facebook to spread awareness on events such as the Sevenly Campaign currently going on ( as well as other events. SOCIAL MEDIA AWARENESS
Grant-writing Benefit Concerts Sell tickets to a Formal Ball Profit-shares with local businesses Giving away free, cheap “goodie” bags with small informative flyers in them More tabling, and social media awareness Bake sales FUTURE IDEAS