Host: Betsy Rodríguez NDEP/CDC Deputy Director NDEP Hispanic/Latino Stakeholder Group Tuesday, June 25, :00 PM (EDT) or 11:00 AM (PDT) access code: Meeting URL: Web passcode:
Today’s Agenda Topic Welcome and roll call Sharing what you’ve been doing lately What’s new on the Hispanic/Latino Stakeholder Group page on phConnect An overview of Ventanillas de Salud Reaching Hispanic/Latinos in AZ: The Arizona DPCP accomplishments through the AZ Diabetes Coalition CDC/NIH Updates Three words to describe the call Allotted Time/Moderator 3 min. − Ana Toro 12 min. − Everyone 15 min. − Betsy Rodríguez 10 min. − Josana Tonda 10 min. − Carmen Ramírez 5 min. − Betsy 1 min. − Everyone
What have you been doing lately?
New on the H/L Stakeholder Group Page on phConnect Invitation to join the H/L SHG phConnect was drafted and sent to the group. – New SHG members that signed up: New sections: – MSFW Needs Assessment – Stories from the Field Our Genoveva is featured! – Diabetes News Flash – Quarterly Calls’ Presentations
Consulates in US (50) Boise +Anchorage, Alaska Documentation & Protection Services Consular Network IME VDS: A Program in the Consular Network Issue documents and bring legal protection. Develop programs to empower the Mexican immigrants abroad.
VDS program provides on-site assistance and outreach to low-income and Hispanic immigrant families who may be unfamiliar with the US health system. What is the VDS Program?
Government of Mexico Secretary of Health (SSA) Integrated Strategy for Migrant Health VDS IME Consular Network Secretary of Foreign Affairs (SRE) How Does VDS Operate?
Individual interventions: – Speak with individuals about their health status, informing them of healthcare opportunities available to them. Group wide presentations: – Presentations on various healthcare topics and encouraging clients to seek referrals at la Ventanilla. Referrals: – Providing referrals and scheduling appointments at healthcare facilities and centers on behalf of the participants. Intervention Strategies
Services Referrals and follow-up on accessing medical services (in order to establish medical homes) Health insurance assistance Health info sessions Referrals to free or low-income health programs Info. and pre- enrollment in Seguro Popular Information services at the Mobile Consulates Diagnostic services, usually through mobile clinics outside the Consulate Health Fairs Enrollment events supported by the Consulate Binational Health Week
Collaborative & Multi-sector Model: Partners (lead and local agencies) Evaluation, close follow-up of results. Administrated and directed by a local agency dedicated to improve access to health services: Fiscal/lead agency VDS Model Description
Lead Agency (Funding for VDS) Lead Agency (Funding for VDS) Local Partners (In Kind Resources) Local Partners (In Kind Resources) Consulate VDS Operation Organigram VDS
Lead Agencies The agency is responsible for the oversight and operation of the VDS program: Functions: Experience in Delivery of Health Services Communication & Evaluation Commitment Budget planning and Grant seeking Financial Administration (fiscal agent) Administration of Projects and Partners Accomplishment of the VDS objectives Oversee the day-to-day operations Lead Agencies
Local Partners Functions: – To contribute in the accomplishment of the VDS objectives – To embrace VDS approach by increasing access to healthcare – To bring to the program highly qualified outreach staff providing cultural sensitive services Concept: Local Health Services and Advocacy Organizations working together at the Ventanilla de Salud Program. More than 500 agencies currently partnering with the VDS
Local Partners Services usually provided Appointments for screenings/ Primary Care Services Health Insurance (information and enrollment) Clinic Outreach & Information Referrals to hospitals, health centers, community clinics Support groups Health education On-site screenings Pre-enrollment to Seguro Popular
LA SD SJ Seattle SF Fresno Las Vegas Calexico Santa Ana Salt Lake City Denver Yuma Tucson El Paso Eagle Pass Austin Houston Dallas Brownsville McAllen St. Paul Chicago Indianapolis Atlanta D.C. Philadelphia New York VDS Locations 2013 – 50 VDS Boise Sacramento Del Rio Oxnard Nogales Albuquerque Omaha Kansas City Laredo New Orleans Little Rock Miami Raleigh Portland Phoenix Douglas San Antonio Orlando Detroit Presidio Anchorage SB
General Results Total of population reached out in 1 year: 903,919 people 40.4% of the VDS attended an average of 200 people per week. Total of services provided in 1 year 3,108,379 services Source: Ventanillas de Salud Governing Document, SSA, IME and SRE, 2012
General Results
Accomplishments 50 out of the 50 Consulates in the network have a VDS. Sustained support from the Government of Mexico to the VDS program. Construction / assignment of dedicated spaces for most of the Ventanillas in operation. Expansion of the Ventanillas through the Mobile VDS (Kansas, New York). Successful participation of the VDS in the HHS- CDC National Influenza Campaign.
Thank You!
Agents for Change Brief history of the Arizona DPCP Background of the Arizona Diabetes Coalition The Arizona Diabetes Leadership Council
Opportunities for Change The National Alliance for Hispanic Health’s Mobilizing Communities to Reduce Diabetes (MCRD) Project Concilio Latino de Salud, Inc. Supporting Action for Latinos United Against Diabetes (SALUD)
Promotores de Salud/Community Health Workers AZ DPCP support of Promotores/CHWs Participation in local, state, and national networks Certification for Promotores/CHWs in Arizona
When You Believe You Can Make a Difference…You Do! Before After
BeforeAfter When You Believe You Can Make a Difference…You Do!
Before After When You Believe You Can Make a Difference…You Do!
Before After When You Believe You Can Make a Difference…You Do!
New DPCP Contact for Arizona Omar Contreras, MPH 150 N. 18 th Ave., Suite 310 Phoenix, AZ Tel (office)
¡Gracias y Hasta la Vista! Carmen Ramírez (home)
CDC/NIH Updates
CDC Updates Online charla – La Hora del Cafecito - Tomémonos un café virtual y hablemos sobre…fotonovelas – Date: Friday, August 23 rd. – Time: 1:00 PM EDT Webinar – The Art of Storytelling and Use of Culturally-Adapted Tools to Educate on Diabetes Prevention – Date: Thursday, Sep 5 th. – Time: 2:00 PM EDT
Three Words to Describe this Call