Emma Hale Smith Relief Society of Nauvoo President
The Late 1800s
Eliza Rocxy Snow Relief Society General President
The Gay 90s
Zina Diantha Huntington Young Relief Society General President
Turn of the Century, 1900s
Bathsheba W. Smith Relief Society General President
Early 1900s & WW I
Emmeline B. Wells Relief Society General President
The Roaring 20s
Clarissa Smith Williams Relief Society General President
The Great Depression of the 30s
Louise Yates Robison Relief Society General President
The 1940s & WW II
Amy Brown Lyman Relief Society General President
The 1950s
The 1960s
Belle S. Spafford Relief Society General President
The 1970s
Barbara B. Smith Relief Society General President
The 1980s
Barbara W. Winder Relief Society General President
The 1990s
Elaine L. Jack Relief Society General President
Mary Ellen W. Smoot Relief Society General President
The New Millennium
Bonnie D. Parkin Relief Society General President
Julie B. Beck Relief Society General President Present Day