Things to think about making a Webpage Al Hardy, Webmaster Grand Lodge of A. F.& A. M. of North Carolina
First things to Remember Update, Update, Update Keep it simple - Masonic Information, Graphic and Pictures of your events. Flaming Chickens (animated graphics) and music are no-no, they are annoying after one play through. You only have seconds to get their attention. You are trying to reach every one who is interested about Masonry.
Grand Lodge Info Grand Lodge site provides: Lodges by district, time and date. By next year this page will link to Lodge websites. North Carolina Mason Archive. NC Lodge links Lodges, 17 Districts and 37 other bodies. History and membership info over 2,000,000 hits over 50,000 hits per month over 1,600,000 with 3 months to go.
Needs Officers page Calendar page News page History page Directions page Links page
Officers Page This is the page that you list your officers for the year. You can provide an address or phone number, what ever you feel comfortable with. Remember Update, Update......
Calendar Page On the template you will find a calendar page and a Grand Lodge Calendar page. Calendar Page: meeting times and events for your lodge Grand Lodge Calendar Page: Degree Work and charity events or special events.
News Page Whats going on in the lodge. Who, What, Where and When. Also link the the North Carolina Mason Archive
History Page A good place to inform visitors where you came from.
Directions Page How to get to your lodge.
Links Page Want links to other North Carolina Lodges ? The Grand Lodge links page, 120 Lodges, 17 Districts and 37 other bodies.