JAMAICA NATIONAL MIRROR COMMITTEE EXPERIENCE ISO\WG\SR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (ISO\SR 26000) Tanesha Williams - NMC\SR Facilitator Brigette McDonald Levy – Centre for Corporate Responsibility, UWI, Chair, NMC Regional Workshop, San Jose, Costa Rica November 25, 2009
CONTENTS NMC Background National situation – Cases Back to the Standard – The Way Forward
NMC Background Formation of the National Mirror Committee[NMC] in 2006 NMC composition involves all stakeholder category with the exception of Labour NMC membership participation at two 6 th &7 th Plenary meetings and three regional workshops. Commented and voted on the CD…
Challenges in Engaging Industry Participation Often limited feedback/comments on documents circulated to stakeholders by NMC secretariat. Generating interest and commitment of key stakeholders [eg. policy makers and industry leaders] to participate in the National Mirror Committee. So we asked what was happening?
Overview of SR Practices Conducted a State of the Industry Survey National in scale Large and small firms Urban and rural distribution Private and Public and Government companies Issues covered Activities, reporting, motivation, management Implementing mechanisms, role for staff/board Commitment for the future
General Findings Most companies doing something, but not always seeing the activities within SR context Some companies moving to Strategic Philanthropy A few companies getting the full scope and benefits For example…
GraceKennedy Group level activities Environmental Grace and Staff Foundation GraceKennedy Foundation Individual companies – community and staff driven Commitment to stakeholder value Staff wellbeing – voted against union coming in Led on CG & contribution to Public Governance
Walkers Wood Products Recycle, solar Environmental Practices Linkages to Community Fund the Community Foundation Buy local – train farmers – agric. practices, employ from the community, provide seedlings, guarantee purchasing and assist with selling of products
Kingston Industrial Agencies Inner City Community Employ from community Strict safety codes Environmental codes Security project HR and development, environment, strengthening community relations.
Small Enterprises Shagourys Block Factory Training and skill development Employment in rural community Standards Primroses Beauty Salon Volunteering in Elder care facility Strategic??? Yes because…
Cases –Industry Associations PSOJ Code of Conduct for Corporate Governance seeking to bring awareness to member companies and to public traded companies. CH__October_25__2006.pdf CH__October_25__2006.pdf Insurance Association of Jamaica Consumer education and protection Group SR activities
Cases –Collaborate with Government Planning Institute of Jamaica Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan - aimed at putting Jamaica in a position to achieve developed country status by National priorities, job creation, competitiveness, fair trade, Environment, Human Rights, Corp and Public Governance Fair Trading Commission competitiveness, fair trade Labeling and health issues – consumer rights
13 Issuance of ISO Seek the support of key stakeholders and agree on the goals, objectives and process to carry out the assessment Review capacity and performance of the existing SR system Describe the desired future (improved) SR system Identify and prioritize capacity building needs Goal: National SR Framework and Implementation Programme for ISO Consider options to address the identified needs and develop a capacity building action plan Way forward: National SR Capacity Building STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP4 STEP 5 STEP 1 CONSULTATION & DIALOGUE WITH STAKEHOLDERS REQUIRED SUPPORT [ADVICE, RESOURCES, FUNDING]