How to Ensure Your Business Survives, Even if Your Server Crashes Backup Fast, Recover Faster Fast and Reliable Disaster Recovery, Data Protection, System Migration and Simplified Management of Microsoft® Systems with ShadowProtect™
StorageCraft Technology Corporation Backup Fast, Recover Faster StorageCraft Company Overview Disaster Recovery and Data Protection Planning for Your Organization Maximizing Business Continuity / Avoid Lost Opportunities Methods to Maximize Business Continuity File and Folder Recovery Bare Metal Recovery ShadowProtect Overview System Migration Planning for Your Organization
Founded in 1999 as StorageCraft, Inc. Headquarters in Draper, Utah, USA ShadowProtect product family Disk-based backup, disaster recovery, data protection – P2P System migration & consolidation – P2V, V2P and V2V Millions of installations worldwide on servers, desktops and laptops Licensed to software and hardware manufacturers StorageCraft Technology Corporation Company Overview
What is a Disaster? Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Anything that disrupts business continuity Common Disasters Uncommon (Extreme disasters)
Common Disasters Most common disasters can be overcome with a local or near-line backup and DR plan Equipment Failure Operator Error Service Pack updates Viruses
Uncommon Disasters Require both a near-line and offsite backup and DR plan Theft Fire Flood Earthquake Tornado Terrorist Attack Examples: Katrina, Southern California Wildfires, Earthquakes
Disaster Recovery and Data Protection Planning Keys to Maximize Business Continuity Business continuity is critical for any organization to be successful. Your disaster recovery and data protection plan must have a high level of reliability. Downtime will occur – hardware & software failure, operator error. Backup is important, but disaster recovery is key to maximize business continuity. What is the price of downtime in your organization?
Types of Disaster Recovery Planning Alternatives for Protecting Systems, Applications and Data File and Folder Backup / Protection Image / System Based Backup
File and Folder Backup and DR One Alternative for Protecting Systems, Applications and Data Advantages Administrator can select the specific files and folders to protect. Multiple versions of files may be retained. Files and folders can be quickly recovered if the system is accessible. Both near-line and offsite options are available. Disadvantages The system must be rebuilt in the event of a system failure. Depending on the media, this can be a very tedious process. Example: Tape is an excellent compliance and archiving media, but can be an extremely slow recovery option. For business continuity, disk-based image backup can be a much faster and more accessible option.
Image Based Backup and DR One Alternative for Protecting Systems, Applications and Data Advantages The entire volume can be backed up, including OS, Settings, Applications and Data. Recovery can occur based on an exact point in time – before business continuity was disrupted. Files and folders can be recovered in the event of a ‘common’ disaster. Disk media is typically used, which is faster and more reliable than tape. Recovery options are available to same system, dissimilar hardware or virtual environments.
Image Based Backup and DR One Alternative for Protecting Systems, Applications and Data Disadvantages The initial backup (base) can be large, making it more difficult to transport off- site. Incremental backups can be very fast, but differential images may be more time consuming and resource intensive.
No DR and Data Protection service is complete if it hasn’t been tested! Fire Drill Example Things can go wrong – make sure you know what they are. Have you tested your current DR process? Your strategy needs to incorporate options for portability so that you can test on non-production systems. Verification! Your DR and data protection plan must address verification so that you know that your backups are reliable. It’s About the Recovery Keys to Maximize Business Continuity
Incorporate both near-line and off-site backup Addresses both common and extreme disasters. Provides a level of redundancy that ensures data is protected. Example: Keys to Maximize Business Continuity Best Practices for DR and Data Protection Planning Keys to Maximize Business Continuity
Best Practices for Backup and Disaster Recovery Flexibility is Mandatory Objective #1 is the fastest DR possible in order to ensure business continuity. Recovery must be possible in both common and extreme disasters. Full system recovery (operating system, applications, settings and data) is a must. Critical data (file and folder) recovery is convenient in the event of common disasters. You must be able to recover to the available hardware resources that you have on-hand.
ShadowProtect 4 Product Family ShadowProtect Server™ ShadowProtect Small Business Server™ ShadowProtect ImageManager Enterprise™ ShadowProtect Desktop™
ShadowProtect 4 Benefits Simplify System Backup, Recovery, Migration and Management Minimize Your Recovery Time Objective (RTO) Maximize Business Continuity Save Money and Minimize Lost Business Opportunities Simplify Backup and Disaster Recovery Management
ShadowProtect 4 Features Simplify System Backup, Recovery, Migration and Management Reliable Backup Volume-level full, incremental and differential disk-based backups Exact point-in-time backups of the operating system, applications, configuration & network settings and data Fast Recovery Hardware Independent Restore™ (HIR) Bare metal, file & folder recovery Recovery to the same system, dissimilar hardware, to and from virtual environments
ShadowProtect 4 Features (Cont.) Simplify System Backup, Recovery, Migration and Management Enhanced Enterprise Features – ShadowProtect ImageManager HeadStart Restore™ - (ImageManager Enterprise) Replication - (ImageManager Enterprise) Consolidation Verification Notification
ShadowProtect ImageManager HeadStart Restore How Does It Work? ShadowProtect HeadStart Restore creates a system restore job that tracks backup changes in a staged virtual machine. The system restore job is updated with incremental changes throughout the day. In the event of a disaster, the restore job is finalized, the virtual machine is prepared with ShadowProtect HIR and the server is rebooted. Recovery is complete in minutes rather than hours or days – even with terabytes of data on your server.
ShadowProtect Hardware Independent Restore How Does It Work? ShadowProtect provides rapid full bare metal recovery through a bootable recovery CD. Hardware Independent Restore (HIR) uses a library of drivers on the recovery CD to detect new hardware. If drivers are not found on the recovery CD, they can be added as part of the HIR process. HIR allows you to rapidly recover to the same system, dissimilar hardware or to and from virtual environments.
Product Demo ShadowProtect 4