Binds people with similar: Language, history, religion, beliefs, geographic locations Can lead to formation of nation-states.


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Presentation transcript:

Binds people with similar: Language, history, religion, beliefs, geographic locations Can lead to formation of nation-states

Prior to fragmented group of small kingdoms and principalities

1.Giuseppe Mazzini- soul of Nationalism Writing & speeches provided inspiration 1832 Established Secret Society known as Young Italy Exiled for his views

2. Giuseppe Garibaldi- The Sword of Unification Provided military leadership Along w/ Redshirts conquered Southern Italy & united it with the North

3.Count Camilo Cavour - The brain Prime Minister of Sardinia-Piedmont (Led Unification movement) Skilled diplomat Formed alliances with: France & Prussia Used diplomacy & war to drive out: Austria

4. Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia Crowned king of a United Italy in 1861 Rome & Venetia added in 1870 Pope still rules Vatican City in Rome, why is this important?????????

39 German states formed the German Confederation Austro- Hungarian Empire & Prussia dominant states

Nationalist Leaders 1. Prussian King Wilhelm I 2. Otto Von Bismarck- The Iron Chancellor Prime Minister of Prussia

Realpolitik- End justifies the means approach to government Ruled w/out consent of Parliament Builds up Army (Militarism) Strong proponent of Blood & Iron Sacrifice & industrialization key to being a world power

1. Danish War- Prussia & Austria defeat Denmark & gain 2 Provinces 2. Austro- Prussian War- Seven Weeks War- Austria defeated- Prussia took control of Northern Germany 3.Franco – Prussian War- Southern Germany unites to fight common enemy- France defeated

1871- King Wilhelm: crowned Kaiser or Emperor of unified Germany The Second Reich begins What was the 1 st ????

Upset the: Balance of Power - England & Germany most powerful Alliance system begins which will lead to WWI Militarism

Tore apart Long established Empires Too Diverse to survive Austro- Hungarian Empire, Ottoman Empire, & Russian Empire will not survive WWI