T HE GROWING INFLUENCE OF I NTELLECTUAL C APITAL Factories and automation were growth drivers in the Industrial era In the Knowledge era, Intellectual Capital is the most valuable asset and growth driver Growth in this era is influenced by a constant churn of innovative products and services The challenge before business today is to ensure that their value creating processes, that lead to innovation, can be sustained Communicating this value to prospective Customers is the way to gaining their Trust and their Business 2
H OW DOES AN I NTELLECTUAL C APITAL R EPORT HELP 3 An IC Report is a statement of changes in the company’s Intangible Assets much like a Balance Sheet is a statement of Changes in the Company’s Physical and Financial Assets Like a Balance Sheet, it has indicators which show whether the Intellectual Capital has increased or decreased for the reporting period A well written IC Report also helps the reader understand the linkages of the Company’s intangible assets to its core competencies and helps explain the value adding processes inside the Company
H OW CAN P ROSPECTIVE C USTOMERS B ENEFIT F ROM AN I NTELLECTUAL C APITAL R EPORT 4 Prospective Customers can use an IC report to understand precisely whether the drivers of value that they seek from their suppliers, exist Just as the Balance sheet can be used to ascertain the financial health of a supplier, an Intellectual Capital Report can be used to ascertain its Knowledge health For publishers, the IC Report becomes a cost effective pull based marketing tool It is many times more effective than costly push based advertising campaigns