C HAPTER1 The Story of Village Palampur C HAPTER 2 People as Resource C HAPTER 3 Poverty as a Challenge C HAPTER 4 Food Security in India HOME
AQyaaya 1 palamapur gaa^Mva kI khanaI AQyaaya 2 saMsaaQana ko $p maoM laaoga AQyaaya 3 inaQa-nata : ek caunaaOtI AQyaaya 4 Baart maoM KaV saurxaa HOME
OBJECTOVES To make learning a fun for students by providing them an interesting and interactive tool to enhance their learning. To facilitate students to acquire knowledge according to the prescribed syllabus in Social Studies. To provide a ‘Self-Evaluation Tool’ to students that might help them to check their performance as well as help them to enhance their learning in each attempt. To provide a tool for teachers To Evaluate Students under CCE. To cover a larger community of students and teachers to use this Bilingual Tool in their classroom interaction as the prescribed course of Uttarakhand State, CBSE Schools and other states following CBSE Curriculum has been covered. To enhance the competency of students so as to score better in the competitive examinations in their career. To facilitate a larger community of Candidates appearing in competitive examinations by sharing this tool through wikispaces and providing Free Download to all. HOME
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I heartily acknowledge National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) for providing free download of Text Books which have been used as a source of references and pictures to prepare this presentation. Parambir Singh Kathait, TGT : Social Studies, Rajiv Gandhi Navodaya Vidyalaya, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. Contact : id : HOME