A Bridge Between Engineering and Mathematics Budi Rahardjo Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika 2007
Why such topic?
I am an engineer
I need maths!
We live in an exciting time
everything … business, daily lives
done through electronic means
ATM, cellphones, internet, …
They need 1 thing:
How to efficiently implement them in software and hardware
Hardware is more difficult (limited resources)
“For any field to move ahead, researchers must try things even when they don’t quite know what they’re doing” (Bob Colwell, “All Things Are Connected,” IEEE Computer, November, 2004)
Engineers must have “higher standards”
“Maybe engineers are held to higher standards because they can be” (Bob Colwell, “All Things Are Connected,” IEEE Computer, November, 2004)
Engineers must understand maths
But we’re not getting it
We need “Maths for Engineers”
in what form?
Formal class (too much science?)
Books (stories of digital heroes who go interested in engineering because they read certain books)
Get together (mixing it up)
Other “bridge”???