Second Semester Update Oscar Smith High School IB Program
IB Freshman Class Mid-February: Mid-year transcripts available displaying cumulative weighted GPA and class rank GPA notices will not be sent to freshmen until June 2009. This gives students adequate time to adjust to the program. Transcripts will be available for students in the guidance office, if you would like a copy (students get one free unofficial transcript).
IB Freshman Class, cont. Student scheduling will begin in February. Sophomores have TWO electives built into their schedules in addition to PE 10. Students may choose to take the following recommended prerequisite courses during the sophomore year: IB Psychology = sociology IB Biology = Anatomy IB Visual Arts = Art 1 IB Computer Science = Pre-AP Computer Science IB Math HL = Pre-IB Math Analysis Engineering/Pre-Med Programs = Physics
AP European History Exam Students will complete the second half of Pre-IB World History and prepare for the AP exam which will be given in May. An extensive review will take place in Mr. Wasinger’s class throughout the month of April.
Summer 2009 Students will meet in late May at OSHS to match up sophomore mentors with new Pre-IB freshman students This has been an extremely successful semester for our IB freshmen! Congratulations!
IB Sophomore Class GPA notices will be sent in February to communicate current GPA and status within IB program. Must maintain a weighted 3.0 GPA to remain in “good standing” A GPA between 2.6-2.9 places a student on “Academic Warning.” Students must raise GPA to 3.0 or above by the next semester or be placed on Academic Probation.
A GPA lower that 2.6 places a student immediately on Academic Probation. Students must raise GPA to a 3.0 by the next semester or withdrawal from program is recommended (unless there are extenuating circumstances).
IB Sophomores IB Sophomores will have the option to take the AP Government Exam if they maintain an average of C or above in the course. The AP Government exam will be given in May. Parents may attend the “We the People” competition on January 7th immediately after school if they wish.
AP Government Exam Review Ms. Scott will review for the AP exam in the spring (see syllabus for details). Students are encouraged to participate in any review sessions offered to help them prepare for the format of the AP Government exam, which differs from the AP European Exam that the students took during their freshman year.
CAS Requirement Mrs. Meador will meet with all current sophomores during the month of April to explain the CAS requirement for the IB Diploma. Students can begin earning hours as soon as the junior year begins. For CAS, students must devote at least 150 hours in the areas of creativity, action and service. (40 hours are required in each area; the remaining 30 hours can be split as the student desires.)
Sophomore Scheduling Scheduling is tough during sophomore year since students are making decisions about which courses they will be taking in grades 11 and 12. All rising juniors have been scheduled for: IB English 11 HL IB History of the Americas HL
IB Choices IB Courses are 2 years in length Students must select the following courses: Math: IB Math Studies SL, IB Math SL, IB Math HL Second Language: IB Spanish 4 SL/HL, IB French 4 SL/HL Science: IB Biology SL/HL, IB Chemistry SL/HL IB Elective: IB Visual Arts SL/HL, IB Computer Science SL/HL, IB Psychology SL/HL, Second IB Science
Sophomore year can be challenging as students prepare for “Big IB.” They need our support!!
IB Juniors GPA notices will be sent in February to communicate current GPA and standing within IB program. Students are currently almost finished with their first year in “Big IB.” Students have started the Extended Essay process Major due dates occur on the first school day of each month. (On March 1, students must submit bibliography cards and a revised thesis statement to their Extended Essay supervisor.) Final drafts will be due on the first school day in December 2010.
Group 4 Project IB juniors will travel to the oceanfront to collect data for the required Group 4 Project in the spring.
The Group 4 Project is an interdisciplinary science project designed by IB Biology and IB Chemistry students. Students will create a trifold and present their findings to their IB science instructor for a grade. The 10 hours for the Group 4 Project also count towards the 45 required SL lab hours/60 required HL hours in the IB Biology/IB Chemistry Courses.
IB juniors will have the option to take the AP US History Exam on May 7th Students should have accumulated about half of their CAS hours by the end of the year (about 20-25 hours in each area).
IB English IOP IB English 11 students will complete their English Individual Oral Presentation (IOP) at the end of the junior year. The IOP is a 10-15 minute presentation on the students’ topic of choice based upon a literary work they have studied during the year. Students have two practice opportunities to acquaint themselves with the process before the actual IOP is scored (scores submitted to IBO).
Internal Assessment Requirements Students will begin completing work towards their IA requirements during the junior year. Assignments differ according to the IB course and teachers will provide IA details to students as they plan these assignments.
College Visits This summer would be a great time to plan college visits, if you have not already done so. College applications peak in October and November. If you are able to give Mrs. Lancaster, Ms. Kern or your counselor college paperwork and request recommendation letters in early September, it would be very helpful. Always submit applications before the due date!! The earlier, the better!
IB SENIORS!!! Seniors are completing their IB requirements presently. Extended Essays, World Literature Papers and Theory of Knowledge essays will be sent to examiners early in the second semester. Destinations last year included Argentina, Brazil, Maritius, Australia, Sweden, China and Canada. All Internal Assessment scores must be reported by the instructor to IBO by April 10. All samples for moderation must arrive to the designated examiner by April 20.
IB Examinations IB Examinations begin on Tuesday, May 4 and conclude on Monday, May 24. Student exam dates differ based on the IB courses that a student is taking, but ALL IB students will take the IB English HL Exams.
Exam Preparation IB teachers will begin reviewing for the IB exams in the spring. Please encourage your child to attend any review sessions that are offered! Encourage your child throughout the month of May that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Each paper is important and they should do their very best on every part of the exam! Make sure your child is well-rested and eats a nutritious breakfast on exam days.
IB Exam Results Seniors will be given PIN numbers before graduation so that they are able to access their IB exam results on July 6, 2010. A score report will also be sent by IBO to each student’s school of choice (Mrs. Lancaster will share this information with IBO by June 1st).
Graduation Ceremonies A special IB recognition ceremony will take place in December for the Class of 2009 to award certificates and diplomas and to celebrate the the students’ achievements . This ceremony is scheduled for the last school day prior to winter break (12/22) so that current IB students and teachers are able to attend.
IBO Update 700,000 IB students worldwide Nearly 2,000 Diploma Program Schools in 131 countries In North America, nearly 80% of IB Programs are in Public Schools.
IBO Will Manage Growth IB is growing exponentially and the organization must be prepared to deal with this growth. Focus is on Quality, Infrastructure and Access. Director General, Jeff Beard, is a USNA graduate with extensive business experience.
University Recognition See for policies. The IB North America Vancouver office specializes in contacting universities about IB recognition policies and posts findings on the IBO Web site.
Learner Profile “Look for” qualities in an IB student. Qualities that prepare students for success in life. These characteristics are important across the IB continuum (PYP, MYP and DP)