Numbering your Survey Here are some ways that may make it easier for you to number the lines and stations in your survey. You will still have to figure out how to number the stations for special systems, but once you know the pattern, OMNI 3D can apply it automatically. Here we create a survey using the Add Lines Wizard, although similar options for numbering your stations are in the Design Wizard. OW-0604EN
Add Receivers to an Empty Survey Right-click on this item left-click on this item 2
Add Receivers Dialogs Change (or notice) this item 3
Add Shots to an Empty Survey 4
Add Receivers Dialogs 5
Result This is the survey with properly labeled stations. Next we will turn (toggle) off stations we don’t want live (i.e. want excluded). 6
Create an Obstacle Double-click at end 7
Create an Obstacle continued Press Exit in the Edit/Redefine wizard (left-side of View) 8
Apply an Obstacle 9
Result from Obstacle 10
Turn off Display of Excluded Stations 11
Final Results Some extra notes: Coordinates calculations for the Add Lines Wizard only uses 3 significant digits. This results in spacing between stations changing (i.e. creeping) a little bit with increased distance from the survey origin. You can use a boundary instead of an obstacle to toggle off extra stations. Play with the parameters shown in this PowerPoint to find out the various survey layouts you can create. 12