The 3 Rs By: Cameron B., Cameron P., and Stephanie Carr
Is It Safe Is It Safe Is it one sided {is one person doing it} Is it one sided {is one person doing it} Is it fair Is it fair Is there power { older, stronger, popular,} has something you dont have. Is there power { older, stronger, popular,} has something you dont have.
Be assertive { confident} Be assertive { confident} Get calm Get calm Look at the person in the eye Look at the person in the eye Stand up straight and tall Stand up straight and tall
Find an adult right away if it is not safe. Find an adult right away if it is not safe. Tell them what happened. Tell them what happened. Let the adult handle it. Let the adult handle it.
What are the 3 Rs? What are the 3 Rs? Recognize, Refuse, and Report
What does one – sided mean? What does one – sided mean? It means one person is doing the bullying and the other person is not.
What do you do is not safe? What do you do is not safe? Get a grown – up right away.