How can we save them? By Madeline Liberman and Rachel Shurland Endangered Jaguars How can we save them? By Madeline Liberman and Rachel Shurland
Jaguar Characteristics Jaguars are strong swimmers! They are the third largest cat in the world! Jaguars can weigh more than 300 pounds, and can have a 2-foot-long tail! Jaguars can grow to be 8 ft. long!
Why they’re important Jaguars are important in the rainforest ecosystem because they are at the top of the food chain. The jaguar helps to keep the populations of lots of animals in balance! Such as: Reptiles Armadillos Fish Caimans (a type of alligator) Monkeys Deer If they didn’t, these species’ populations would explode, causing food loss and other problems!
Why they’re endangered Poaching, illegal hunting of animals, is an awful reason why jaguars are endangered! Habitat loss due to farming, tree-cutting, and cattle ranching also contributes. They used to be found from south west U.S. to northern Argentina, but now are only found in the Amazon rainforest! Scientists predict that 55% of the Amazon rainforest could be gone by 2030!