Physical Education GCSE Delivering the new specification in September 2009
GCSE PE 2009 FULL COURSE OVERVIEW GCSE PE 2009 FULL COURSE UNIT 1 Theory of PE 1 X 80 40% UNIT 2.1 Practical Activities 4 X 10 48% UNIT 2.2 Analysis of Performance 1 x 20 12%
GCSE 2009 FULL COURSE UNIT 1The Theory of Physical Education * 10 multi choice questions * short answer questions * 3 scenario questions Total = 80 marks = 40%
GCSE PE 2009 FULL COURSE UNIT 2.1. Controlled assessment Practical Activities * 4 to be offered * at least 2 must be as Player /Participant * Activities must be chosen from 2 different areas * may select Leader and /or Official as an activity 4 X 10 = 40 = 48%
GCSE PE 2009 FULL COURSE UNIT 2.2. Controlled Assessment Analysis of Performance * Rules, regulations and terminology 4 marks * Observe and analyse performance4 marks * Evaluate performance 4 marks * Plan strategies, tactics and practices4 marks * Plan a Personal Exercise Programme4 marks Total = 20 marks = 12%
GCSE PE 2009 SHORT COURSE OVERVIEW GCSE PE 2009 SHORT COURSE UNIT 1 Theory of PE 1 x 40 40% UNIT 2.1 Practical Activities 2 x 10 48% UNIT 2.2 Analysis of Performance 1 x 20 12%
GCSE PE 2009 SHORT COURSE UNIT 1 The Theory of Physical Education Written paper * Mainly multi choice questions * Short answer questions * Longer answer questions Total = 40 marks =40%
GCSE PE 2009 SHORT COURSE UNIT 2.1 Controlled assessment Practical Activities * 2 to be offered * at least 1 must be as Player /Participant * Activities must be chosen from 2 different areas * may select Leader and /or Official as an activity 2 X 10 = 20 = 48%
GCSE PE 2009 SHORT COURSE UNIT 2.2 Controlled Assessment Analysis of Performance * Rules, regulations and terminology 4 marks * Observe and analyse performance4 marks * Evaluate performance 4 marks * Plan strategies, tactics and practices4 marks * Plan a Personal Exercise Programme4 marks Total = 20 marks = 12%
WHAT HAS CHANGED ? Current SpecificationNew Specifications Paper 1 Factors affecting Unit 1 The Theory of Physical performance Education Sections A B and C1.1 Healthy Active Lifestyles 1-2 Your Healthy Active Body * some rearrangement of material in these sections NEW Social aspects - Introduced to meet QCA criteria
WHAT HAS CHANGED? Principles of training Thresholds of training and Moderation have been replaced with REST and RECOVERY Overload and Progression have now become PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD FITNESS TESTING added
WHAT HAS CHANGED ? Your personal health Link between diet, work and and well being rest and their influence on personal health and well being Physical activity and your healthy mind and body ANOREXIC added EPO added PAR-Q added
WHAT HAS CHANGED? A healthy active lifestyle and your: Cardio vascular system Respiratory system Muscular system Skeletal system * Immediate effects of exercise and the effects of regular training and exercise * Long term benefits of exercise on each of the above body systems
WHAT HAS CHANGED ? Muscular systemWhat happens when we exercise ? What are the long term benefits of regular exercise for the four body systems ? Skeletal system *Fractures, joint injuries, golfer and tennis elbow and RICE treatment included
WHAT HAS CHANGED? - PRACTICAL Activity areas have changed in line with the revised National CurriculumActivity areas have changed National Curriculum Greater range of practical activities Some activities have moved areas Inclusion of new activities such as amateur boxing and tae kwon do Exercising safely – a distinct activity group Exercise includes yoga, Pilates, boxercise, body pump and interval training Students can offer practical performances as a Leader and/ or Official Only one practical mark. Students assessed under controlled conditions
WHAT HAS CHANGED? ANALYSIS OF PERFORMANCE Criteria Rules, regulations and terminology Observe a Performance Evaluate a performance Plan strategies, tactics and practices (here)Plan a Personal Exercise Programme Students must produce work under controlled conditions Choice of presentation format can be used PowerPoint, written, interview
Controlled Assessment Unit 2 – Performances and Analysis of Performance Task taken during Curriculum Time under supervision Coursework mark (2A) Estimated Mark Practical exam (2C) Controlled Assessmen t Analysis of Performance (2B) 3 Possible Formats
Controlled Assessment Task Setting – set by Edexcel, Centre adapts Task Taking – informal supervision/limited guidance Task Marking – Controlled Assessment Guide (available from website)
Controlled Assessment - Player/Participant Identical to the present practical exam Task setting Enable students to demonstrate skills, knowledge and understanding developing competence as a performer Selecting/applying tactics, strategies, compositional idea Task taking practices/drills/competitive situations set up No coaching/teaching allowed during assessed performance Task marking All performances to be marked by the teacher/assessor using assessment criteria specific to each activity
Controlled Assessment – Official Possible Activities Official plays an active role/part in the progress/control of the activity Needs to have a competitive element For example Group A - outwitting opponents Group D – performing at max level
Controlled Assessment – Official Tasks must allow students to: Show knowledge & understanding of the of conduct Take an active part as an official, taking control of a match/tournament/event Demonstrate effective officiating skills Where appropriate, all roles of officiating need to be included in the assessed performance(s) Eg - Cricket umpire & scorer Tennis umpire & line judge Football referee & referee’s assistant
Controlled Assessment – Official Task taking A relevant National Governing Body Award Officiating at a school/club match Controlling/managing an official school/club event/tournament Teacher support not permitted unless required for Health/Safety reasons. Task marking All performances to be marked by the teacher/assessor using the assessment criteria (page 33 in the ‘specs’)(page 33 in the ‘specs’) Evidence must include a ‘log’ Teacher/assessor present for all assessed performances OR Suitable, clear evidence must be made available
Controlled Assessment – Leader Tasks must allow students to: Demonstrate effective leadership skills Take responsibility for the preparation/training of for Support players/participants in the performance of an activity An individual or team An activity A competitive situation An event A performance
Controlled Assessment – Leader Task taking – A relevant National Governing Body Award Plan, prepare and support players/participants in a training session/match/event/expedition Teacher support not permitted in the assessed performance(s) unless required for Health/Safety reasons.
Controlled Assessment – Leader Task marking All performances to be marked by the teacher/assessor using the assessment criteria (page 36 in the specs)(page 36 in the specs) Evidence must include a ‘log’ Teacher/assessor must be present for all assessed performances OR Suitable, clear evidence must be made available
Controlled Assessment – Analysis of Performance Task setting Components 1-4Possible Formats Component 5 Rules and regulations Observe and analyse Evaluation Plan for improvement Question and Answer Session A written Report A presentation Personal Exercise Programme Written Format
Controlled Assessment – Analysis of Performance Task Taking Preparation without direct supervision match analysis observation notes on a performance sourcing a video clip for analysis Feedback permitted in preparation practice Q & A sessions planning training/drills Final assessed performance MUST BE In school limited supervision
Controlled Assessment – Analysis of Performance Task Marking Teacher/assessor to mark each component using assessment criteria (See pages in the specification) (See pages in the specification) Quality of Written Communication (QWC) PEPs Written tasks, Presentations marks recorded Work retained by centre Exemplar material (Page 39 – Teacher’s Guide)(Page 39 – Teacher’s Guide)
Assessment Implications Player/Participant End of teaching each activity – estimate mark Final assessment performances to take place in Feb – early May of exam year. (same as present final practical exam) Estimated marks submitted to Moderator Moderation Day (same process as now)
Assessment Implications Leader/Official A similar process to the moderation of the present A of P Assessed performances to be completed BEFORE the Moderation Day Final marks to be submitted to the Moderator A sample of students will be chosen to show their work: their log book practical demonstration of their skills NGB certificate
Assessment Implications – Analysis of Performance A similar process to the moderation of the present A of P Assessed performances to be completed BEFORE the Moderation Day Final marks submitted to Moderator A sample of students will be chosen to show their work according to chosen format: » AND The controlled assessment record sheet to be attached Q & A Session Written Report Presentation PEP
RESOURCES AVAILABLE Controlled Assessment Guide -Available on web site. Contains details of assessment criteria for practical activities Active teach and student book -Available summer 2009 Contains Lesson plans, work sheets, electronic version of student book, student resources and is interactive Teachers File -Available from the CD. contains lesson plans Exam Wizard -Available from EDEXCEL -Allows teachers to create exam papers/tests on specific topics Exemplar material -Available on the web site from Sept 2009
Results Plus -Allows you to analyse your students responses to the written exam. Gives examiners comments on answers to questions Student Guide -Available on the e-spec. Can be customised for your own centre to promote GCSE PE take up for detail for studentsStudent Guide Ask the expert -Available on line to answer any queries you may have alerts -Sign up to receive s to keep you informed of current developments Dedicated PE Team -Direct telephone line with specialist personnel to answer you queries
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