AAHPERD 2014 | St. Louis, MO Brian Mosier University of West Georgia Derek J. Mohr J. Scott Townsend Appalachian State University Thursday, April 3rd, 7:30 – 8:30, Convention Center
To illustrate how a common exemplary PE activity experience for PETE majors is used to positively impact teacher candidates ability to teach well. PurposePurpose Talking PointsTalking Points What is “Grade A” PE? Why do “Grade A” PE? Grade A UWG Grade A ASU Making the Grade: Q & A
What is “Grade A” PE “Grade A” PE is a common exemplary PE experience for PETE Majors. Taught when? Situated early in the program, prolonged experience Taught by? Highly qualified, well trained, aspirational PE instructors Taught how? Using research-verified, teacher-tested C & I models Why use “Grade A” PE “Grade A” PE is used to: Address teacher socialization – live a shared, high quality PE experience Showcase best practices – master the model and model the master Integrate – key experiences across PETE program derived from “Grade A”
PETE majors at UW are provided the following “Grade A” experience: When? Prerequisite to entering the HPE Program Introduced in a 2 day/week. 5 weeks. 70 minutes/lesson; 15 week fitness evaluation Taught by? Taught by the University PE Instructor C & I Model used? Modified Direct Instruction/Teaching for Personal and Social Responsibility & Personal Fitness Education PE Metrics, skill-based rubrics, and online quizzes Pre/Post Fitnessgram and Skill and Dispositions Assessments each semester Courses Used? Introduction to Health and Physical Education and Skills and Strategies Courses: Introductory Course – Ultimate Frisbee
Sample Integrations Sample Integrations B1 > IM: Lesson Planning > S & S: Evaluation & Observation B2 > Practicum: QPE & FG > S & S: Evaluation & Observation B3 > Practicum: QPE & FG > S & S: Evaluation & Observation > Assessment: Grading Systems B4 > Student Teaching: Capstone Integrations of B1-4. Pre-req min classes PE Metrics Disposition Eval FG Eval Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Grade A Skills and Strategies Skills and Strategies Skills and Strategies Assessment Student Teaching InstrStrategies Elementary Practicum Secondary Practicum
PETE majors at ASU are provided the following “Grade A” experience: When? 1 st semester in PETE program – 2 nd half of semester 2 day/week. 7 weeks. 75 minutes/lesson Taught by? Co-taught by Senior-level PETE majors & University PE Instructors C & I Model used? Hybrid Sport Education/TGFU/TPSR Model (SPARK HS) Pre/Post Fitnessgram, Skill, Knowledge, and Dispositions Assessments Courses Used? University PE Activity Program courses including: *Badminton Basketball Crossfit *Badminton Jogging/Conditioning Volleyball Weight Training
Sample Integrations B2 > IM: Unit & Lesson Planning > M & E: Grading System > C & A: Sport Ed B3 > PIA HRF: Fitnessgram > PIA G & S: Obs of Grade A & Peer Teaching B4 > PEA Practicum: Teach Grade A B5 > Student Teaching: Capstone Integrations of B1-4. Block 1 2 days/week 7 weeks 75 min/class SPARK HS Sample Evals Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Grade A M & E Curr & Admin PIA HRF PEA Practicum LEA Internship Student Teaching InstrMethods PIA Games & Sports