Polish Private Hospitals Association Prepared: Medical Institut EuroMediCare
Public hospitals compared to private hospitals in Poland
Public hospitals compared to private hospitals in Poland Public and private hospitals activities in 2000 and 2001 activitypublicprivate[%] the amount of hospitals the amount of hospitals the amount of beds the amount of beds
Public hospitals compared to private hospitals in Poland - Stationary health service/medical care: hospital, medical attention institution, nursing/care institution, nursing home (sanitarium), preventorium and other medical institutions (according to OECD definition).
Further development disadvantages of private hospitals no clear perspective of long-term investments (no legal regulation); lack of long-term contracts to finance medical services with private sector funds; unforeseeability of changes in financing conditions of hospitals; non-efficient public hospitals favoured by Payer, uncontrolled rise of debt; NHF as a monopolist;
Expences on medical service in Poland compared to other countries in 1999 OECD Health Data 2002
Hospitals Association members - 42 private hospitals situated in different regions of Poland. - Main fields of medical service in Union hospitals are: surgery, urology, orthopedics, plastic surgery, neurosurgery. - There are modern and transformed from public hospitals.
Polish Private Hospitals Association was established to: carry out collective data policies about the abilities of private hospitals in the country and abroad; share negotiations with insurance companies, the civil service and municipal government; jointly raise the quality and run the process of the certifications of medical services (eg. ISO); jointly negotiate contracts to purchase medical equipment, medical drugs and dressing supplies;
Association created a system of an internal data base to: monitor planned changes to health services; introduce or plan new health regulations; provide access for Union members to interesting offers of regional firms that supply medical products;
Beds The Hospitals Association have: 2300 beds
Surgeries In 2002 the Hospitals Association performed: surgeries
Out-patient treatments In 2002 the Hospitals Association gave: out-patient treatments compared to total amount of out-patient treatments in Poland=533 million (0.1%)
Employees The Hospitals Association employ: 3755 employees including 624 full-time doctors and 1358 contract(half-time) doctors